Best Surrogacy Agencies in California

Are you trying to find the best surrogacy agencies in California? Knowing that you need a surrogate or you want to become a surrogate is the first part in a long process. We have done the hard work to find the best surrogacy agencies in California!

To save you some research time, we’ve compiled this comprehensive list of California’s best surrogacy agencies.

In each review, we break down what makes the agency unique and what you can expect from their service and support.  Also we include what the agency provides regarding pricing transparency and more.

When you’re done reading, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision and move forward with your surrogacy journey.


1.    Best Overall: Made in the USA Surrogacy

Made in the USA Surrogacy is a full-service surrogacy agency headquartered in Northern California.

Dedicated to providing individualized, compassionate care for intended parents and surrogates, we work with families from all backgrounds and walks of life to make parenthood possible.

Many of our staff members have first-hand experience with surrogacy, either as intended parents or surrogates, so you’re guaranteed to get empathetic, knowledgeable support during every step of the journey.

Again, because of our dedication to the best overall surrogacy cost, our matching quality and our short matching time. The quality of surrogate that we provide is our best trait as an agency.

We believe we’re the one of the best surrogacy agencies in California.


Agency Features

Locally Owned and Operated? Yes

Local Matching Available? Yes

Average Matching Duration: 3-6 months

One Point of Contact? Yes. We provide surrogates and parents with a single point of contact.

COVID Vaccine Required for Surrogates? No. We match families based on preferences.

Healthcare Coordination for Surrogates? Yes. We coordinate with the fertility clinic, psychologist, and the surrogate’s Obstetrician. All health insurance is professionally reviewed, and our team is available to assist with obtaining insurance as needed.

Communication and Responsiveness: Phone, email, and text. We also use Zoom to keep in touch with surrogates and intended parents.

Company Reputation: 5 Stars. Our clients say our team is friendly, knowledgeable, and supportive and appreciate our willingness to go the extra mile.

Response time for Support: Less than one business day, 24 hours response at most.

Cost Transparency? Yes. We provide an itemized cost breakdown for both intended parents and surrogates. The intended parents who work with us pay all costs through escrow, which provides a transparent way to track expenses and access receipts.

For intended parents, we offer an average cost breakdown for the entire surrogacy journey. Also we provide it for more specific line-item costs like surrogate base compensation and benefits. This includes our agency fee, medical and psychological screening, legal representation, insurance, and more.

Other Factors:

For Surrogates: For surrogate mothers, we provide accurate, transparent breakdowns of surrogate base compensation. Also our compensation package provides a potential additional $13,500.

This is provided to cover monthly expenses, medical and psychological screenings, medication, and embryo transfer, maternity clothing, childcare (if applicable), and bonuses for multiples.

Overall Cost: Made in the USA Surrogacy provides surrogacy at a reasonable cost in comparison to competitors listed on this page, with average overall surrogacies completed ranging from $140,000-$150,000. These costs have included the agency fee, surrogate medical policy, attorneys for both sides, escrow deposits, base compensation, and all additions to the surrogate’s compensation package.

Post-Birth Support: We provide post-birth support on a case-by-case basis. Our team can provide counseling and post-delivery doula care in some cases.

We check on surrogates after delivery to ensure they recover and do well physically and emotionally. Bills and compensation are paid promptly.

If the surrogate is doing well, extra care is not added. If the surrogate supplies breast milk, we assist with providing payments accordingly.

Flexibility and Personalization: Yes. We can tailor the surrogacy process to the needs of the surrogates and intended parents.

For example, if parents prefer a vegetarian surrogate, we will consider that as we match parents with surrogates. We also provide flexibility regarding contract terms, matching preferences, and other individualized aspects of the surrogacy experience.

We are flexible with travel, food preferences, and additional compensation benefits as long as all changes to the contract are approved by our agency first.


2.    Growing Generations

Growing Generations has over 25 years of surrogacy experience.  Because of this statistic alone, Growing Generations is definitely one of the best surrogacy agencies in California.

Uniquely, Growing Generations prides itself on being one of the first surrogacy agencies in California to serve single and gay men, men with HIV+ status, and families from all sexual orientations and identities.

Today, Growing Generations prides itself on providing equitable, supportive surrogacy services and making the gift of a child available to families from all walks of life.


Agency Features:

Locally Owned and Operated? Yes

Local Matching Available? Yes

Average Matching Duration: Growing Generations has a waiting list, which means Intended Parents will be on a waitlist to find a surrogate within 12-18 months. If you purchase their “elite package,” we have heard that they guarantee a surrogate within a 12-month window.

One Point of Contact? Yes. Surrogate mothers start the surrogacy process by working with an admissions specialist, who guides them through the consultation and initial surrogacy screening.

Once the surrogate is accepted, she is assigned a dedicated Case Manager who serves as her single point of contact throughout the rest of the surrogacy journey.

Intended families, likewise, are matched with a single case manager who they will continue to work with throughout the surrogacy process.

COVID Vaccine Required for Surrogates?  No

Healthcare Coordination for Surrogates? Yes

Communication and Responsiveness: Phone, fax, email, and video conferences are available for surrogates and intended parents after matching. Intended parents and interested surrogates can access live, US-based surrogacy consultants via the company’s main phone line.

Other Factors

Company Reputation: 4.9/5 stars. Surrogates generally report feeling supported by the agency.  Intended parents report that the matching process and surrogacy journey was thoughtful, informed, and mindful. That said, some surrogates have complained that the agency is slow to respond or address support requests and that the agency’s surrogacy requirements are unclear.

Response time for Support: Growing Generations will initiate contact within 24 hours after surrogates or intended parents create a profile.

Cost Transparency? Yes. Growing Generations provides a unique “package” pricing model for intended parents. Each of the agency’s three pricing packages comes with various services (all outlined in the various package descriptions).

Growing Generations specifies pregnancy compensation packages for potential surrogates based on a surrogate’s experience, work status (stay-at-home versus working surrogates), and geographical location (California versus all other states).

The agency also provides transparent breakdowns for financial perks like screening and contract signing incentives for surrogates.

Overall Cost: With agency fees alone ranging from $100,000-$250,000, Growing Generations is one of the most costly surrogate agencies in California. These costs do not include the surrogate compensation package or the surrogate’s medical policy.

Post-Birth Support: Yes. Surrogates generally have access to mental health specialists and can access psychological counseling postpartum, with more support available as needed.

Flexibility and Personalization: Yes. If intended parents purchase the VIP Concierge package, for example, they can access additional case customization, including the relocation of a surrogate for delivery, access to a nutritionist, and three days of staff travel for appointments. Surrogates, meanwhile, have choices regarding who they see for their medical care teams and how they choose to give birth (with the assistance of a doula or in a hospital birthing center, for example), as long as all parties agree and the choices are outlined in the surrogacy contract.


3.    Circle Surrogacy

Circle Surrogacy is an international surrogacy agency that has served families in more than 73 countries.

The agency is made up of former surrogates, intended parents who have had a child through surrogacy, and egg donors, so families and surrogates who work with Circle Surrogacy receive empathetic and compassionate care.

It’s the only agency on our list that’s not headquartered in California, though, which may be a downside for families looking for a local service. This does not stop them from claiming a high spot in the best surrogacy agencies in California however.


Agency Features:

Locally Owned and Operated? No. Circle Surrogacy is headquartered in Boston, MA, although there are locations in Los Angeles and Burlingame, CA.

Local Matching Available? Yes

Average Matching Duration: Unknown

One Point of Contact? Yes

COVID Vaccine Required for Surrogates? No

Healthcare Coordination for Surrogates? Yes

Communication and Responsiveness: To get in touch with Circle Surrogacy, intended parents and potential surrogates must submit an online form.

Once you’ve submitted the form, Circle Surrogacy will communicate via phone, email, and text.

Once contact is established, Circle Surrogacy will check in at least once each month with the intended parents to answer any questions or address concerns. Circle Surrogacy also provides dedicated case managers to serve as a single point of contact for intended parents.

Surrogate mothers, meanwhile, are connected with Surrogate Advisors who guide them through every step of the screening process.

Once the surrogate is accepted into the program, she is introduced to a Program Coordinator and a Social Worker, both of whom will be her constant points of contact throughout the surrogacy journey.

Company Reputation: 4.4/5 stars. Surrogates and intended parents are both generally happy with Circle Surrogacy’s services.

Surrogates report that the agency matched them with intended parents quickly, while intended parents also appreciate the quick matching and compassionate care.

That said, some surrogates have reported slow or misplaced payments from the company, and at least one intended parent reported that Circle skipped or overlooked critical health and psychological screenings.

Other Factors:

Response time for Support: Unknown

Cost Transparency? Yes. Intended parents can access a surrogacy cost average and learn more about surrogacy costs, including agency fees, screening and support for the surrogate, the cost of the surrogate, legal fees, and insurance.

Uniquely, Circle Surrogacy breaks down its surrogacy costs on a line-item basis, providing detailed breakdowns and payment schedules. Intended parents who are also interested in egg donation can access surrogacy plus egg donation cost breakdowns.

For surrogate mothers, Circle Surrogacy offers detailed, itemized cost breakdowns for surrogate compensation and benefits. Including allowances for childcare, travel, and lost wages. All told, their cost breakdowns are some of the most informative and detailed in the surrogacy industry.

Overall Cost: Circle Surrogacy is unique in that it provides all-inclusive cost breakdowns. These cover all surrogate fees and expenses for unlimited transfers and complications. The cost for surrogacy only (excluding IVF) is $157,750, while the cost for surrogacy plus fresh egg donation is $190,450 (excluding IVF).

The cost for surrogacy plus one cohort of eggs is $185,700 (excluding IVF). Their inclusive cost program covers surrogacy screening and matching, coordination of the surrogacy journey. It also covers maintenance of the Trust Account, psychosocial support, legal fees (including contracts and parental rights). It covers all surrogate expenses (including travel and social monitoring).

Post-Birth Support: Yes. Intended parents receive post-birth return-to-home travel preparation and assistance.

After delivery, surrogate mothers receive counseling and support to ensure their health and mental and emotional well-being.

Flexibility and Personalization: Yes. Surrogates have choices regarding how they deliver the babies they carry (with the support of a doula, for example, or in a hospital birth center with midwives), while parents have the flexibility to customize their surrogacy journey and even bring their own surrogate to Circle Surrogacy.


4.    California Surrogacy Center

Based in Southern California, California Surrogacy Center provides surrogacy services for local and international families. They works with surrogates in California and other states. They are high on the list of the best surrogacy agencies in California.


Agency Features:

Locally Owned and Operated? Yes

Local Matching Available? Yes

Average Matching Duration: It typically takes about three months for intended parents to be matched with a surrogate.

One Point of Contact? Unknown

COVID Vaccine Required for Surrogates? Unknown

Other Factors:

Healthcare Coordination for Surrogates? Yes. California Surrogacy Center coordinates healthcare for surrogates and offers a “caretaker” program. This involves caretakers who check in with the surrogate mother regularly to deliver healthy, organic food and ensure they’re doing well.

Communication and Responsiveness: Phone, fax, and online contact form.

Company Reputation: 3.9/5 stars. While most surrogate mothers and intended parents are happy with the services provided, there have been reports of the agency trying to decrease surrogate pay after making their initial compensation offer or being slow to respond to surrogates or intended parents.

Response time for Support: California Surrogacy Center does not provide an estimated response time when you submit an online form.

Cost Transparency? No. California Surrogacy Center’s website does not provide cost breakdowns or expense information. However, they do say that fees for the surrogate mother are placed into a trust. The trust is monitored by an attorney.

Overall Cost: Unknown

Post-Birth Support: Unknown

Flexibility and Personalization: No


5.    West Coast Surrogacy

West Coast Surrogacy is a boutique surrogacy agency that provides services backed by more than 15 years of experience.

Featured in the Orange County Register, Daybreak Orange County, the Daily Pilot, and the LA Times, West Coast Surrogacy serves intended parents in California and around the world.

The company has representatives in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, and Sacramento.


Agency Features:

Locally Owned and Operated? Yes

Local Matching Available? Yes

Average Matching Duration: There is currently a one-year waitlist for intended parents. Once you begin working with West Coast Surrogacy, the average matching timeline is 1-3 months.

One Point of Contact? Yes – intended parents start by working with an intake coordinator. Once intended parents are matched with a surrogate, they work with a single, assigned case manager throughout the journey.

Surrogate mothers, meanwhile, have access to a dedicated case manager and in-person and online surrogate mother support groups. Surrogates also receive monthly check-ins with a counselor. They have access to email support with the West Coast Surrogacy team, as needed.

Also, surrogate case managers may accompany surrogates to appointments the intended parents cannot attend and act as a liaison between the intended parents and the surrogate.

COVID Vaccine Required for Surrogates? COVID vaccines are preferred for surrogates, but the agency will work with intended parents and surrogates who would rather avoid the vaccine.

Healthcare Coordination for Surrogates? Yes

Other factors:

Communication and Responsiveness: Intended parents and surrogates can contact West Coast Surrogacy via phone, fax, email, and online form. Interested parties who contact the company’s main line will be connected with a friendly, local representative.

Company Reputation: 4.7/5 stars. Intended parents who have worked with West Coast Surrogacy report loving that this company is family-owned and operated. They have dedicated Case Managers that are attentive, knowledgeable, compassionate, and supportive.

Surrogates report feeling cared for and supported by the agency. Rare reviews report slow surrogate compensation payments or low base pay.

Response time for Support: The support team is available via phone from 9-5, Monday-Friday.

Cost Transparency? Yes. While surrogacy costs vary on a case-by-case basis, West Coast Surrogacy provides itemized breakdowns for both intended parents and potential surrogates. These breakdowns cover surrogate compensation as surrogate fees and allowances, and more.

The company also offers surrogacy financing and payment options and provides accurate ranges for the cost of surrogacy.

Overall Cost: West Coast Surrogacy estimates the overall cost of the surrogacy journey from $190,000-$230,000. Their surrogate base compensation ranges from $60,000-$92,000, an agency fee of $75,000, and their surrogacy allowances vary depending on the nature of the birth (C-sections involve an extra cost, for example, as do multiples).

Post-Birth Support: Surrogates receive on-demand email support from the West Coast Surrogacy team and monthly meetings with a psychological professional until two months postpartum. Surrogate mothers also have access to lactation consultants if they decide to express breast milk.

Flexibility and Personalization: Yes


Key Takeaways: What To Look For In A Surrogacy Agency

Selecting a surrogacy agency is a big choice, and it’s critical to find a team that will work with you to make your dream of having a family a reality.

With that in mind, here’s what we recommend looking for in a surrogacy agency:


1.      One-on-One Guidance and Support

Surrogacy is a highly personal journey, whether you’re an intended parent or a surrogate mother. Because of this, it’s critical to find an agency that provides one-on-one advice, mentorship, and guidance during every step of the surrogacy process. You should never feel unsupported or unsure about what happens next.


2.     A Local Agency That Offers Local Matches

While it’s possible to travel to meet the surrogate, working with someone in your area is much easier (and less expensive). A local match allows intended parents to attend medical appointments and prenatal exams.

It provides ability to build a strong, close relationship with a surrogate.

3.    Personal Experience

While many people can relate to the feeling of wanting a child, it’s another thing to have experience with any facet of the surrogacy journey.

For the most caring and compassionate service, look for a surrogacy agency with a founder, staff, counselors, and case managers who have personal experience as surrogates, intended parents, or egg donors.

Surrogacy agencies with those people on staff truly understand what it takes to create a family through surrogacy and are uniquely equipped to walk through your surrogacy journey.


4.     Transparent Pricing

Surrogacy is a significant investment, and it’s essential to understand precisely how much you’ll pay when you’ll pay it, and what your payments cover.

Since upfront costs are significant we also recommend looking for surrogacy agencies that provide full transparency with agency and surrogate costs.


5.     Stringent Surrogate Requirements

Maintaining the health of the surrogate and babies is paramount during the surrogacy process.

To help ensure this, look for an agency that requires its surrogates to meet the minimum standards set forth by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

In addition to protecting surrogate mothers and reducing the risk of pregnancy-related complications, this helps ensure healthy babies and successful surrogacy journeys.

best surrogacy agencies in California

Start Your Surrogacy Journey Today

Surrogacy is a wonderful way to build or add to a family.

If you’re interested in welcoming a child through surrogacy or becoming a surrogate mother, you deserve to work with an agency that’s built a reputation of excellence, and compassion.

Here at Made in the USA Surrogacy, we care deeply for the parents and surrogates we work with, and we’re grateful to play a role in your surrogacy journey.

Ready to learn more about our process or how we can support you? Contact us today.