Category Archives: Fertility Medication

When IVF Fails, How To React, What It Means & How To Keep Trying

When IVF Fails, How To React, What It Means & How To Keep Trying to Start A Family with Surrogacy - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

When IVF Fails, How To React, What It Means & How To Keep Trying to Start A Family with Surrogacy The most vital part of surrogacy is IVF or in-vitro fertilization. After the intended parents find a surrogate, they can start the IVF process, or perhaps before if they are creating embryos. Yet what can […]

Why Having a Baby While You’re Young Is Important

Why Having a Baby While You’re Young Is so Important During the Age of Waiting

Why Having a Baby While You’re Young Is so Important During the Age of Waiting Currently, many women are taking part in the Age of Waiting. They’re choosing to wait longer to have a baby. While women are able to become pregnant the moment they start menstruating until they stop, there is a peak time […]

How Age Affects Your Fertility

How Age Affects Your Fertility - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

How Age Affects Your Fertility – Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California More women are choosing to have babies when they’re older. This isn’t always a bad idea. You’re more financially stable when you’re older. You’re also able to have enough time to advance your career without worrying about sacrificing time with your […]

PCOS & Pregnancy: An In-Depth Look

An In-Depth Look At Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

An In-Depth Look at Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California If you’re one of the many women suffering from PCOS, then you’re not alone. 1 in 10 women suffer from PCOS. Besides offering an array of uncomfortable symptoms, this condition can also make it difficult to become pregnant. […]

Egg Donor Statistics

Egg Donor Statistics & General Information You Should Know - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, CA

Egg Donor Statistics & General Information You Should Know – Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, CA Have you been thinking about becoming a surrogate or an egg donor? About every 10 in 100 women will experience problems with becoming pregnant. As women become older, it also becomes more difficult for them to conceive. […]

IVF and Surrogacy

IVF and Surrogacy: Causes, Treatments and How a Surrogacy Agency Can Help You Start the Family You've Always Wanted

IVF and Surrogacy: Causes, Treatments and How a Surrogacy Agency Can Help You Start the Family You’ve Always Wanted Tubal factor infertility accounts for 25 to 30 percent or higher of all diagnosed cases of infertility. This condition is defined as a blockage in the fallopian tube of a woman that prevents or lowers chances […]

Frozen Embryos: A Comprehensive Guide

Frozen Embryos — A Comprehensive Guide For Intended Parents Struggling to Start a Family

Frozen Embryos — A Comprehensive Guide For Intended Parents Struggling to Start a Family & How Surrogacy is Key A vital part of in-vitro fertilization and the surrogacy process is the ability to freeze embryos. What does freezing embryos exactly entail and what is its purpose? This article will discuss freezing embryos and the incredible […]

Egg Donation—Who Needs It & How It Works

Egg Donation—Who Needs It & How It Works To Help Those Struggling with Infertility Start a Family Through the Process of Surrogacy or IVF

Egg Donation—Who Needs It & How It Works To Help Those Struggling with Infertility Start a Family Through Surrogacy Hello intended parents! Today we are speaking about egg donation. Maybe you planned on making embryos on your own and instead found out the bad news that your eggs will not suffice for making viable embryos. […]

Tubal Factor Infertility

Tubal Factor Infertility - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Sacramento

Tubal Factor Infertility: Diagnosis, Symptoms, Causes & Alternative Options in Surrogacy To Help You Start a Family Hello Intended Parents and potential surrogates! Today we want to unpack more about infertility—some of the causes and help you understand more about how surrogacy can help your situation. We hope this blog is informative and provides you […]

Single Embryo Transfer vs Double Embryo Transfer

Single Embryo Transfer vs Double Embryo Transfer

Single Embryo Transfer vs Double Embryo Transfer Infertility is a struggle which faces many men and women. Through advancements in science, those intended parents who have always dreamed of having children but had less than hopeful prospects can now be given hope. Through processes like surrogacy and with the help of a surrogate mother, intended […]