Category Archives: After Birth

Activities to Avoid When Becoming a Surrogate

Activities To Avoid When Becoming a Surrogate or Being a Surrogate

Activities To Avoid When Becoming a Surrogate or Being a Surrogate Becoming a surrogate is an incredible decision to make. For healthy women who have had a healthy pregnancy, it’s possible that you could also give that miracle to another couple. Not everyone is as lucky with their fertility. Many couples in the world need […]

Developing Speech With Your Baby

Developing Speech With Your Baby: Tips For Intended Parents To Language Development & Ways To Boost Your Surrogate Baby's Speech Skills

Developing Speech With Your Baby: Tips For Intended Parents To Language Development & Ways To Boost Your Surrogate Baby’s Speech Skills Parents who have struggled with infertility sometimes decide to find a surrogate who can carry their child for them. It is not surprising then that many intended parents are often motivated to learn everything […]

Child Development & Surrogacy

Child Development & the Surrogacy Process: Initial Steps, Milestones & How To Help Development From Infancy to 2 Years Old - Made in the USA Surrogacy Sacramento, CA

Child Development & Surrogacy: Initial Steps, Milestones & How To Help Development From Infancy to 2 Years Old If you are someone who has been struggling with infertility, then you may have given up the dream of having children of your own. That doesn’t need to be the case. You can find a surrogate and […]

Emotional Distress & Raising Your New Baby

Emotional Distress and Raising Your New Baby

Emotional Distress & Raising Your New Baby—How to Properly Perform Emotional Transfer for Infants Born by Surrogacy Hello, Intended parents and surrogate mothers searching for a surrogate agency in Sacramento, or surrogate agency in California. We want to discuss today some issues that may arise with the arrival of your new child through surrogacy- and […]

Ectopic Pregnancy–What You Need To Know

Ectopic Pregnancy–What You Need To Know If You're Intended Parents Or Potential Surrogates on the Surrogacy Journey

Ectopic Pregnancy–What You Need To Know If You’re Intended Parents Or A Potential Surrogate on the Surrogacy Journey Have you ever experienced an ectopic pregnancy? If you haven’t, then you might wonder what an ectopic pregnancy is. Whether you’re a woman looking to become a mother or a woman thinking about becoming a surrogate, an […]

Ins and Outs of Establishing Parentage

Ins and Outs of Establishing Legal Parentage - Made in the USA Surrogacy

Ins & Outs of Establishing Parentage For Intended Parents When Working with a Surrogate Mother During the Surrogacy Journey Many couples that have suffered the frustrations of infertility have decided to become parents by the services of a surrogate mother. Surrogacy in California has only become better and better as surrogacy laws in California are […]

Birth Rates in America

Birth Rates in America—Trends and Effects on Surrogacy

Birth Rates in America—Trends and Effects on Surrogacy For an aspiring couple thinking about having children, you may be curious to know about the scientific facts based around birth rates in America. How many women are having children right now and in what generation do they exist? Which is the most popular age group having […]

Creating a Birth Plan for the Surrogacy Journey

Creating a Birth Plan For the Surrogacy Journey - Made in the USA Surrogacy

Creating a Birth Plan For the Surrogacy Journey How does creating a birth plan relate to surrogacy? Perhaps you’ve recently become a surrogate for the first time and have not thought of creating a birth plan. You’re doing something wonderful and selfless for another couple who are going to be grateful to you for the […]

7 Travel Tips When Flying with an Infant

7 Travel Tips When Flying with an Infant

7 Travel Tips For Flying with an Infant: Your Parenting Guide Traveling with an infant? Planes, germs, TSA prechecks, security lines, oh my! Here are 7 travel tips when your flying with an infant. Bon, voyage! Hello intended parents! We are excited to assist you in your journey to parenthood, but we also hope that […]

4 Helpful Tips for Intended Parents After the Birth of Your Baby

4 Tips for Intended Parents - After the Baby is Born

After the Birth – A Guide To Complete Your Surrogacy Journey Hello intended parents! We hope this blog is a resource for you for all information involving hiring a surrogate, information about finding a surrogate, the process of surrogacy and the process of after the birth of your baby. Now that you are going to […]