Category Archives: Finding a Surrogate

Top 5 Best Surrogacy Agencies in California

Best Surrogacy Agencies in California Are you trying to find the best surrogacy agencies in California? Knowing that you need a surrogate or you want to become a surrogate is the first part in a long process. We have done the hard work to find the best surrogacy agencies in California! To save you some […]

How Much Do Surrogates Make?

Surrogacy Laws in Nevada - Made in the USA Surrogacy

How Much Do Surrogates Make? If you’re wondering how much do surrogates make, surrogates make $75,000-$95,000. Surrogate pay is also a way of defining surrogate compensation and the surrogacy benefit package. If you’re thinking about becoming a surrogate, then the time has never been better. Surrogacy is slowly starting to become more popular as a […]

Surrogacy Questions and surrogate preferences

Finding a surrogate and Dispelling common myths

  Common Surrogacy Questions You Want Answered If you’re an intended parent struggling with infertility, then you may have considered finding a surrogate of your own. However, there may be a few reasons that are keeping you from finding your surrogate mother or from committing to an agency. These reasons may be tied to a few common […]

The Struggles of Infertility

The Struggles of Infertility:10 Reasons Why You May Be Diagnosed with Infertility 

The Struggles of Infertility: 10 Reasons Why You May Be Diagnosed with Infertility Becoming pregnant is far more difficult than people realize. In a population of couples, around 10-18% of them will have difficulties in either becoming pregnant or having a birth without complications. For these couples, there is always a chance to have a […]

Single Embryo Transfer & Surrogacy

Single Embryo Transfer: Reasons For It & Why It Might Be Safer For Surrogates - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

Single Embryo Transfer: Reasons For It & Why It Might Be Safer For Surrogates If you’re just getting started with the process of surrogacy, then one of the topics that you’re going to need cover is whether you want to have your surrogate mother undergo a single or double embryo transfer. Both have their advantages […]

Amniocentesis For Your Surrogate: When & Why?

When Your Surrogate May Need To Get An Amniocentesis Performed and Some of the Risks Involved - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

When Your Surrogate May Need To Get An Amniocentesis Performed and Some of the Risks Involved One part of the process of surrogacy is testing. Not all intended parents decide to have genetic testing or other forms of testing performed during surrogacy. This could be a serious incorrect choice. If you’re someone struggling with infertility, […]

An In-Depth Overview On International Surrogacy

An In-Depth Overview On International Surrogacy For Intended Parents - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

An In-Depth Overview On International Surrogacy For Intended Parents International surrogacy concerns international intended parents who suffer from infertility choosing to find a surrogate in the United States. It also includes US-based intended parents who choose a surrogate in a different country to carry their baby. Few countries in the world protect surrogacy. This article […]

When IVF Fails, How To React, What It Means & How To Keep Trying

When IVF Fails, How To React, What It Means & How To Keep Trying to Start A Family with Surrogacy - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

When IVF Fails, How To React, What It Means & How To Keep Trying to Start A Family with Surrogacy The most vital part of surrogacy is IVF or in-vitro fertilization. After the intended parents find a surrogate, they can start the IVF process, or perhaps before if they are creating embryos. Yet what can […]

Why Having a Baby While You’re Young Is Important

Why Having a Baby While You’re Young Is so Important During the Age of Waiting

Why Having a Baby While You’re Young Is so Important During the Age of Waiting Currently, many women are taking part in the Age of Waiting. They’re choosing to wait longer to have a baby. While women are able to become pregnant the moment they start menstruating until they stop, there is a peak time […]

How Age Affects Your Fertility

How Age Affects Your Fertility - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

How Age Affects Your Fertility – Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California More women are choosing to have babies when they’re older. This isn’t always a bad idea. You’re more financially stable when you’re older. You’re also able to have enough time to advance your career without worrying about sacrificing time with your […]

Become a Surrogate Become a Parent