Ectopic Pregnancy–What You Need To Know

Ectopic Pregnancy–What You Need To Know If You're Intended Parents Or Potential Surrogates on the Surrogacy Journey

Ectopic Pregnancy–What You Need To Know If You’re Intended Parents Or A Potential Surrogate on the Surrogacy Journey Have you ever experienced an ectopic pregnancy? If you haven’t, then you might wonder what an ectopic pregnancy is. Whether you’re a woman looking to become a mother or a woman thinking about becoming a surrogate, an […]

Miscarriage and Surrogacy: What You Need To Know

Miscarriage & Surrogacy–A Comprehensive Guide On What You Need To Know For Intended Parents & Surrogates

Miscarriage and Surrogacy–A Comprehensive Guide On What You Need To Know For Intended Parents & Surrogates One of the most heartbreaking moments that a pregnant woman can endure is a miscarriage or pregnancy loss. Sometimes it can happen so early that the woman didn’t even know she was pregnant. Other times, it can occur later […]

Ins and Outs of Establishing Parentage

Ins and Outs of Establishing Legal Parentage - Made in the USA Surrogacy

Ins & Outs of Establishing Parentage For Intended Parents When Working with a Surrogate Mother During the Surrogacy Journey Many couples that have suffered the frustrations of infertility have decided to become parents by the services of a surrogate mother. Surrogacy in California has only become better and better as surrogacy laws in California are […]

Stages of Labor for Surrogates

Stages of Labor For Surrogates - Made in the USA Surrogacy

Stages of Labor for Surrogates: An Overview of the 3 Stages of Childbirth & What to Expect After Delivery Having a baby is typically a joyful experience. For intended parents and surrogates, this long-awaited day is beyond just the usual anticipation and happy occasion. While the actual delivery process is sometimes talked about as a […]

Birth Rates in America

Birth Rates in America—Trends and Effects on Surrogacy

Birth Rates in America—Trends and Effects on Surrogacy For an aspiring couple thinking about having children, you may be curious to know about the scientific facts based around birth rates in America. How many women are having children right now and in what generation do they exist? Which is the most popular age group having […]

Endometriosis and Surrogacy

Endometriosis and Surrogacy: A Comprehensive Guide for Intended Parents on Endometriosis

Endometriosis and Surrogacy: A Comprehensive Guide for Intended Parents on Endometriosis Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that is similar to that which lines the uterus manages to grow outside of the uterus or womb. This condition can cause a lot of problems for women in general. Specifically, it can cause problems for women […]

The Zika Virus and Surrogacy

Zika Virus and Surrogacy - Made in the USA Surrogacy

The Zika Virus and Surrogacy: A Comprehensive Guide About What You Need to Know About Zika Recently, there has been a lot of focus on the Zika virus and its role in pregnancy. Women who have traveled to countries where the Zika virus is prevalent suddenly found that their babies had birth defects after they […]

The Importance of Medical Records for Surrogacy

Important of Medical Records for Surrogacy - Made in the USA Surrogacy

The Importance of Medical Records for Surrogacy: Become a Surrogate in California with These Common Qualifications When a woman makes the noble and compassionate decision to help another couple experience the joys of parenthood by determining to become a surrogate, she should first research our recommended surrogacy qualifications. All surrogate agencies in California that offer […]

Single Embryo Transfer vs Double Embryo Transfer

Single Embryo Transfer vs Double Embryo Transfer

Single Embryo Transfer vs Double Embryo Transfer Infertility is a struggle which faces many men and women. Through advancements in science, those intended parents who have always dreamed of having children but had less than hopeful prospects can now be given hope. Through processes like surrogacy and with the help of a surrogate mother, intended […]

Food and Medicines to Avoid During Surrogacy

Food & Medicines to Avoid During Surrogacy

Food and Medicines to Avoid During Surrogacy: Increase the Chances of a Successful & Healthy Pregnancy Brave women all across this country and overseas decide to become a surrogate for a couple who can’t have children for one reason or another. There are some guidelines and requirements that all highly rated surrogacy agencies, like Made […]