4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Wait To Find a Surrogate - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Sacramento, CA

4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Wait To Find a Surrogate

Many people come to our surrogacy agency located in the Sacramento area in order to find answers to their questions about surrogacy, IVF and in general to receive guidance on when to start their process.

A lot of parents who come to our agency have actually been trying to have a baby for many years, unsuccessfully and have suffered the heartache many years of no success.

We often tell parents the first step on the surrogacy journey is to find a reputable fertility clinic near you, or type in “fertility clinic near me” to find the closest fertility clinic that can start answering the question of why you are not having success.

There are many reasons why couples are infertile, some of these reasons we have discussed in our other blogs, but overall, you may come out of your meeting with the fertility doctor with the same unanswered questions.

Some couples who go to their fertility clinic are shocked at the result even after multiple rounds of IVF and the continued pain of no success with fertility treatment.

This will lead most intended parents to the decision that they must find a surrogate to have their child, and most will be looking for a surrogate in California, due to its surrogacy friendly laws.

After determining that a parent needs a surrogate however, we at Made in the USA Surrogacy have noticed a fair amount of fear when it comes to making the decision to move forward with an agency.

We will examine 4 reasons why parents need to make their decision to move forward sooner rather than later:

#1 – Surrogates are in High Demand

The most interesting part of our surrogacy agency is the ability to help families struggling with infertility. It was already mentioned above that about 1 out of 8 couples struggle with infertility and are in need of IVF or the help of their fertility clinic. That is a substantial number of intended parents who are not able to have a child.

In our experience and across the surrogacy industry- it is understood that there are less surrogate mothers who are willing to forego their individual lives for a surrogacy journey than there are parents who need them.

This creates high demand across the industry for women who are interested in the process of surrogacy.

The other issue with surrogate mothers being in high demand is their low acceptance rate. Even though we have potential surrogate prospects who come our way—we only accept less than 2% of those who inquire due to our strict surrogate qualifications and disqualifications.

#2 – If A Surrogate Mother Is Available—She Will Go Fast

The other issue we have with intended parents who choose to wait after consulting with our agency about finding a surrogate—is that when or if we have a potential surrogate mother who has been fully screened and is available at the time that we speak—they may not be available by the end of the week or the week after that!

For as many inquiries that Made in the USA Surrogacy receives about becoming a surrogate, we receive inquiries from parents looking for a surrogate.

If the intended parents do not retain our services and choose to wait on deciding if they wish to start—inevitably the amazing surrogate prospects will go to another family who has started their process with us.

We do not usually place holds on surrogate profiles unless parents have retained our services and expressed interest in an individual surrogate profile that we have available at that time.

#3 – Surrogate’s Lives Continue

It’s hard to remember for most people when they are going through such a trying time as infertility is- that surrogates have their own lives and are affected as well by the process of IVF, fertility clinic processes and the inevitable waiting.

Yes, the surrogacy process can take up to 2 years to complete a journey for a family- and we expect our surrogates to understand this issue.

But it’s worthwhile for intended parents to always keep in mind the needs of their surrogates—that they have lives as well. All of them are facilitating their work schedules as well as their children’s schedules around the schedules of the appointments they have for your surrogacy.

What does this mean for you as an intended parent?

It’s a sober reminder that if you are interested in a surrogate profile that is available and you think she may be a great match for your family- to pull the plug and dive headfirst into starting the process of surrogacy with our agency and make the commitment!

Who knows how long she has been waiting for a family, and whether or not she will still be available by the time you decide- or whether she may be pregnant with her own children or simply move on for lack of finding the right family for her. And if you are matched with a wonderful surrogate, make sure to keep in mind that her life is being put on hold to have your child- remember to make her happy and know that you are excited for the journey ahead!

They have to remain motivated throughout the many ups and downs of this journey, even if your surrogate has not gone to transfer yet- most of the process will be front-loaded with appointments and schedule conflicts (even before you will disburse her first month’s surrogate compensation).

Remember her sacrifice is important and her happiness is integral to the success of your surrogacy.

#4 – The Process Will Take Longer Than You May Think

For intended parents who have already waited anywhere from 4-6 years or even longer to have a child, it may seem like it’s not a problem to keep waiting to start your process to find a surrogate.

If you have not created embryos- you may think that you should wait in order to find a surrogate.

This is a false notion for parents to believe in, because of #1 already stated- the supply of surrogates is thin and it may cause you to wait even longer than when you first were told.

For the year 2019, we have matched all of our intended parents with a surrogate within as little as 3 months, and sometimes within weeks of signing on with us.

Waiting to retain our agency in hopes you may find other agencies that are cheaper or you may find other more desirable candidates may cost you more time in the long run.

You may want to come back to our agency in the future, but find that the surrogate you were interested in was matched already, or we are fresh out of surrogate candidates at the moment and there is a wait for the next matches.

Also, you may not know this, but prior to your surrogate mother going to transfer- she will be required to undergo a medical screening from your fertility clinic and will ultimately have lots of time in-between matching with you and transfer that you will want to take into account when you are deciding when to move forward.

If we have the right surrogate candidate for you- you will want to move forward quickly to avoid further waiting times.

Take a short time to decide on whether or not our agency is right for you- and have no fears about moving forward! We will manage your surrogate and your surrogacy process the entire way through.

Ultimately, the choice is yours as an intended parent on who you will trust to find a surrogate and help you through the process of surrogacy.

At Made in the USA Surrogacy, we promise that our level of customer service is superior to most surrogacy agencies in California. We will get back to your inquiries quickly, and always be there for you when you have a question or concern.

Whether you are looking for a surrogate agency in California, a surrogate agency in southern California, a surrogate agency in Los Angeles, a surrogate agency in Sacramento, or in general a surrogate agency that you can rely on- we will be able to assist you.

4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Wait To Find a Surrogate - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Sacramento, CA

If you are an international couple from a country other than the united states, we also help international residents find a surrogacy and will help them source fertility doctor and fertility lawyer. Please contact us here today to get your process started!