Single Embryo Transfer: Reasons For It & Why It Might Be Safer For Surrogates - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

Single Embryo Transfer: Reasons For It & Why It Might Be Safer For Surrogates

If you’re just getting started with the process of surrogacy, then one of the topics that you’re going to need cover is whether you want to have your surrogate mother undergo a single or double embryo transfer. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but the single embryo transfer is often heralded as a safer option. This article will discuss a single embryo transfer and how it differs from a double or multiple embryo transfer as well as why it is safer for your surrogate.

What is a Single Embryo Transfer?

One way that intended parents overcome infertility is through in-vitro fertilization with their surrogate mother. In-vitro fertilization involves the process of using the intended parents’ egg and sperm cells. They’re joined together in a petri dish to form an embryo.

In a fertility clinic that partners with a California surrogate agency, the specialists may form many embryos from a single extraction. At that juncture, the intended parents have a choice. Do they place a single embryo inside of their surrogate? Or multiple?

If only a single embryo is chosen, then the process known as single embryo transfer occurs. The surrogate, who has chosen to become a surrogate and passed through numerous surrogate qualifications through a surrogate agency, will be given fertility treatments to help boost the chance of a successful embryo transfer.

After the embryo is inserted within her, her body should accept it. The embryo will start to grow and divide and eventually form a fetus. This is the entire process of a single embryo transfer in a nutshell.

What makes it a better option than a double embryo transfer?

Choosing Single or Double Embryo Transfers

The difference between a single embryo transfer and a double or multiple embryo transfer is the number of embryos that are transferred into the surrogate at a given time. It can be tricky to determine which transfer is best for a set of intended parents.

Some may struggle from such severe infertility that they may only be able to undergo one extraction during IVF. In order to boost the chances of the embryo forming in the surrogate, then they may choose to have double or multiple embryo transfer. There are a few factors that can influence the decision.

The surrogate’s health should always be a priority when choosing between the two types of transfers. While they passed the surrogate qualifications that a surrogate agency created in order to become a surrogate, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are healthy enough to undergo a double or multiple embryo transfer.

Another factor is timing. The process of surrogacy can take a very long time. Parents may not have that much time to wait around for their surrogate to become pregnant. They may have to leave the country if they’re international clients with a California surrogate agency. Or one of the members of the couple may be rapidly deteriorating in health, so they only have a bit of time to extract viable egg or sperm cells.

One last factor that can influence the decision as to whether or not a single embryo transfer or double embryo transfer is better is if the parents want to have a set of twins. In this case, the chances are better with a double embryo transfer.

However, parents should be wary of the choice to have a double or multiple embryo transfer performed. There are a few risks that could jeopardize a healthy pregnancy as a whole.

Double Embryo Transfer Risks

There are a few risks associated with double or multiple embryo transfers. In a study, scientists found that the rate of live births of double embryo transfers sat at 42.9% in a group of 331 women. The rate of live births of single embryo transfers sat at 38.8% in a group of 330 women.

Statistically speaking, the difference in percentage was not high enough to warrant that a double embryo transfer significantly increased the chances of live birth. This means that you’re just as likely to have a healthy birth with a single embryo transfer as you are with a double embryo transfer.

The real problem arose when it came to measuring the rate of multiple births. These births are when you have twins or more born at the same time. They’re not necessarily planned. For some parents working with a surrogacy agency, they may not be financially prepared for a set of twins. Having multiple births could be a serious problem for them.

Also in that study, the researchers found that a double embryo transfer gave a rate of multiple births at 33.1%. A single embryo transfer gave a rate of multiple births at .8%. Clearly, there is a statistical difference here. A double embryo transfer can increase the chances of multiple births.

Why is this a problem?

Multiple Pregnancies Problems

Perhaps some parents may be thrilled at the idea of having a set of twins. However, this doesn’t always work well with surrogacy or pregnancy as a whole. Multiple Pregnancy, a pregnancy which results in twins or more, comes with complications. Here are a few of them.

One major concern for a healthy pregnancy is preterm labor and birth. Multiple pregnancies can increase the chances of babies being born prematurely. The baby could suffer from birth defects that could hinder them for the rest of their life. It can also devastate the health of the surrogate. While the surrogate chose to become a surrogate through a surrogacy agency to help parents, they don’t necessarily expect to have to put their lives on the line. A Multiple Pregnancy could ask that of them. This is the main reason why asking for a surrogate who will undergo a multiple embryo transfer could (and in most cases will) decrease your availability of surrogate candidates. Many surrogate mothers do not want to agree to go along with the risks of multiple embryo transfers, and therefore our pool of surrogates is greatly diminished when this is a requested preference for a surrogacy candidate.

Another problem that can make a healthy pregnancy impossible is that it can give the surrogate gestational high blood pressure. This is a type of high blood pressure that occurs while pregnant. It can cause cardiac arrest, stroke, and other heart-related problems. It can even result in premature detachment of the placenta.

Some surrogates may also develop gestational diabetes when carrying multiple children. This can go hand-in-hand with high blood pressure.

Anemia is another common problem that arises with multiple pregnancies.

Even if the surrogate is able to carry the babies full-term, they’re likely going to develop some birth defects all the same. Also, birth can many times come sooner than hoped for in a multiple embryo situation. Some common birth defects that occur during multiple pregnancies are spina bifida, other neural tubal defects, digestive tract problems, and heart problems.

Perhaps one of the biggest problems that can occur is miscarriages. For parents who only have so much time or cells to give, a miscarriage could be a serious setback. The entire process has to start over. It can also be emotionally devastating for both the parents and the surrogate.

Finally, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome can occur. This is when the twins share a placenta and the blood vessels. One of the twins may end up receiving more blood than the other. One will grow large while the other shrinks. While this can be treated, it can still result in problems for the babies and surrogate.

Final Choice

Single Embryo Transfer: Reasons For It & Why It Might Be Safer Surrogates - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

If you’re considering joining a California surrogate agency and using surrogacy to have your baby, then you may want to choose a single embryo transfer. It’s healthier for the babies and the surrogate.