Surrogacy and A Healthy Pregnancy

Surrogacy and A Healthy Pregnancy

After you have successfully become a surrogate with a surrogate agency, you’ll need some tips for surrogacy and a healthy pregnancy. For many surrogates, the pressure of providing a healthy pregnancy can be a lot. Luckily, there are certain things you can do to ensure that your pregnancy is as healthy as possible. Here are a few suggestions.

1) – Understand What Will Be Changing

Since one of the surrogate qualifications is to have had a baby before, you likely already know what you’re going to experience when you’re pregnant. However, it’s still important to know what changes occur during pregnancy. That way if something does feel off, you’ll be able to recognize if it’s something to worry about or just part of the pregnancy.

One of the most common parts of pregnancy is weight gain. If you’re not steadily gaining weight over nine months, then you could be experiencing a problem. Another common feature of a healthy pregnancy is an increase in urination.

While every pregnancy is different, for surrogacy and a healthy pregnancy, remember how your body was when you were pregnant with your own.

2) – Take Pre-natal Vitamins

Doctors say you should take pre-natals for a reason. Definitely, for surrogacy and a healthy pregnancy outcome, it’s necessary to take pre-natal vitamins.

Even if you passed the surrogate qualifications for being healthy, it’s still a good idea to take them. Prenatals help nourish the baby and give it all of the vitamins and minerals that it needs.

In particular, pre-natals give extra folic acid, calcium, and iron. Folic acid is important because it helps the baby’s brain and spinal cord develop. For surrogates who are worried about birth defects, folic acid can help reduce the chances of them developing.

Calcium is important because it can help keep your bones safe. While you may have become a surrogate to help intended parents with their dreams of parenthood, you still need to take care of yourself, too. Babies receive their calcium from their own bones and teeth. You need to restore your levels with pren-atals.

Iron is essential because it helps deliver oxygen to the baby through the blood. It may even help reduce the chances of premature birth.

3) – Exercise Regularly

Exercise comes with an abundance of benefits. One of the reasons that you should exercise is because it improves your posture. As many other surrogates in a surrogate agency know, pregnancy brings with it a lot of backaches. You can help ease the strain on your back by exercising regularly. When you grow your lower back strength, you’re able to carry the weight a lot easier.

Exercising can also help prevent the development of gestational diabetes. This kind of diabetes develops while you’re pregnant. While it may clear up after you have given birth, it can sometimes cause problems with the pregnancy. Exercising is an easy and effective way to ward off diabetes of any type.

One kind of exercise that you can do easily while pregnant is swimming and water aerobics. Not only does it offer low-impact on the body, but it also provides enough of an exercise to work your entire body. You may even suggest meeting up with your fellow surrogates from your surrogacy agency if you live close enough for a few swimming sessions.

4) – Stay Hydrated

Water is extremely important when you’re pregnant. In order to keep a surrogacy and a healthy pregnancy, you need to drink water.

The intended parents struggling with infertility likely want you to drink plenty of fluids. When you become a surrogate, you’ll likely end up drinking even more water than you did with your own pregnancy just to make sure that your body is healthy for the baby.

Water is important because it helps develop amniotic fluid and extra blood volume. It can even carry nutrients and flush out any toxins in your body.

You should try to drink around 10 cups of water per day. You can also get away with adding fruits and vegetables to the mix since they provide your body with hydration as well.

5) – Stay Out of Hot Tubs and Saunas

When your body is aching, you may decide to sit in a hot tub or sauna and relax. However, this can have a huge negative impact on the baby. The process of surrogacy can be a long one, but once you’re pregnant, you should give up relaxing in hot tubs and saunas for a time.

This is because it can greatly increase your body temperature in a short time. Sitting in a hot tub for as long as 10 minutes can raise your body temperature to 101 degrees.

When your body raises that high, it believes it has a fever. As a result, it starts to cause inflammation. It may even kick your immune system into gear and start producing antibodies. Those antibodies and inflammation could harm the baby.

When you need to relax, a hot tub and sauna are not the answer.

6) – Stay Away from Smoking and Alcohol

In order to join our California surrogate agency, you have to be a non-alcoholic and nonsmoker. This needs to remain true throughout your pregnancy as well. Couples struggling with infertility are relying on you to do your best to keep their baby safe and healthy. Using alcohol and smoking can seriously impact the health of the baby.

Not only can alcohol cause miscarriages, but it can also stillbirths and disabilities. Some of those disabilities might be having a problem with their memory or learning certain lessons in school like math. They may also have visual or hearing problems.

Smoking can be just as dangerous. It can cause premature births, low birth weight, birth defects, and may also increase the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Joining our California surrogate agency means that you are ready to set aside any unhealthy habits for a prolonged future in order to carry a baby safely.

The process of surrogacy is long. If you don’t believe that you can stop alcohol use or stop smoking for a long period of time, then surrogacy may not be for you.


Choose Our Surrogacy Agency

Being a surrogate means that you have to do whatever you can to keep the baby healthy. This might mean changing your lifestyle for a time. It might even mean adding more exercises to your usual routine. Your sacrifices and actions matter.

If you’re thinking about becoming a surrogate, then you should consider our California surrogate agency. With plenty of benefits, generous compensation, and with a focus on providing the best resources and care for both surrogates and parents, we’re the agency to join.

If you’re interested in becoming a surrogate, please fill out our inquiry form.