When Your Surrogate May Need To Get An Amniocentesis Performed and Some of the Risks Involved - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

When Your Surrogate May Need To Get An Amniocentesis Performed and Some of the Risks Involved

One part of the process of surrogacy is testing. Not all intended parents decide to have genetic testing or other forms of testing performed during surrogacy. This could be a serious incorrect choice. If you’re someone struggling with infertility, then surrogacy could be the option for you. When you choose to undergo the process of surrogacy with a surrogate agency, then you may want to have an amniocentesis performed on your surrogate mother. This article will discuss amniocentesis, why it’s useful, and the risks associated with the procedure.

What is Amniocentesis?

Inside of the uterus is amniotic fluid. This fluid develops when a woman is pregnant. It encompasses the fetus and protects it. Inside of the fluid, fetal cells and proteins exist. An amniocentesis is a procedure that tests the amniotic fluid.

Reasons to Have an Amniocentesis

One of the biggest reasons that you might want to consider having this procedure done is to help determine the health of the fetus. While your surrogate mother is likely healthy since she had to pass numerous surrogate qualifications in order to become a surrogate with a surrogate agency, there are always chances that the development may have gone wrong with the fetus. The procedure can give an idea as to how the baby is doing.

It can also be used for the following reasons.

Genetic testing is one of the biggest reasons why the procedure is given. Those who suffer from infertility may wonder if their baby inherited any genetic defects from them. The procedure can be given to determine the state of the genetic makeup of the baby. Any defects in the gene code can be located. One genetic test that is frequently given is a test for Down Syndrome. Because Down Syndrome will affect a child their entire life, parents may wish to know if they have passed that onto their child.

Another important reason for having the procedure performed is for a fetal lung test. To see if your surrogate from a California surrogate agency is having a healthy pregnancy, you may want to use the procedure to test for fetal lung. This will give the doctor a good idea as to the maturity of the lungs in the baby. In particular, they want to make sure that the lungs are mature enough for birth.

If the lungs aren’t, then your baby may need to be placed in an incubator where they can continue to develop until their lungs can support them. Otherwise, they may die once birthed.

Although your surrogate goes through in-depth surrogate qualifications with the surrogacy agency, it’s possible for something like Rh sensitization to occur. During Rh sensitization, the body perceives the fetus as a foreign invader. It sends antibodies and other immune system fighters to kill it. While a healthy pregnancy is the goal of any surrogate, and even though Rh sensitization is rare, it is possible for it to occur.

That’s why some intended parents may want to use amniocentesis to test for fetal infections. Whether it’s Rh or another infection, by testing it for, doctors can quickly work to save the fetus by treating the infection.

Sometimes it’s possible that the surrogate from a surrogacy agency may develop too much amniotic fluid. This could result in premature birth or even a stillbirth if left untreated. Luckily, the procedure can easily correct the amount of fluid inside the uterus. This provides a safe environment for the baby to grow and a healthy pregnancy for the surrogate from a California surrogate agency.

One last reason that the procedure can be used is for paternity testing.

Risks of Amniocentesis

Like all procedures, there are a few risks. In some cases, the procedure might cause amniotic leaking. The surrogate may feel the fluid leaking through her vagina. Luckily, the leakage usually stops after a few days and is only a small amount. The baby should be safe.

Sometimes when the procedure is given in the second trimester, it can cause a miscarriage. The risk of losing the baby is higher if the procedure is done before 15 weeks of pregnancy. While your surrogate has chosen to become a surrogate to help parents like yourself, you want to give her the best chance of carrying your child successfully. That might mean that you need to wait for a few months before you attempt the procedure.

During the procedure, it’s also possible that the baby might move a leg or arm at the wrong time. This could result in a needle injury. While severe needle injuries are rare, it is possible for the baby to become hurt during the procedure. However, the doctor can help ensure that the baby heals.

Another risk is that it actually might cause Rh sensitization. This is because it’s possible that the baby’s bloodstream might enter the surrogate’s. If Rh is suspected to occur, then the surrogate will be given a treatment that will help stop the body from trying to eject the fetus.

Another rare risk is infection. Surrogates may develop a uterine infection.

One final risk is the transmission of infection. Surrogates who have AIDS, HIV, Hepatitis C, or any other infection may pass it onto the body. However, it is almost impossible for a woman to become a surrogate who suffer from these infections. As such, the risk of this occurring with your baby is extremely rare if not impossible.

The Procedure

The first step that is taken is an ultrasound. The doctor needs the ultrasound to locate the position of the baby. The surrogate will be laying on her back and will have their abdomen exposed.

After the baby is located, the area will be cleaned and an antiseptic applied. Typically, anesthesia isn’t given. The procedure isn’t that uncomfortable.

While using the ultrasound, the doctor will then insert a thin and hollow needle through the abdominal wall. The needle will enter the uterus. Once it’s there, the needle will suck up a small amount of amniotic fluid. The amount that is taken is dependent upon how old the fetus is and whether or not the procedure is being used for testing or treatment.

The surrogate may experience some pinching and cramping, but she should otherwise be alright.

Once the needle is removed, the doctor will continue to use the ultrasound to measure the baby’s heart rate. When the surrogate is cleared, she is able to resume her daily activities. It is recommended that she refrains from strenuous activity and sexual intercourse for a few days.

The sample that was taken will be analyzed in a lab.

After the analysis is completed, usually after a few weeks, you’ll be able to sit down with the doctor and go over the results. While amniocentesis can’t determine all of the genetic conditions and diseases in existence, it can give you a glimpse of possible disorders that you may be passing down to your baby.

Is It Worth It?

When Your Surrogate May Need To Get An Amniocentesis Performed and Some of the Risks Involved - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

The risks of amniocentesis are rare. Yet the information that you receive could help you determine the health of your baby. It can also give doctors a better idea of any treatments the baby may need.

Obviously, the surrogate mother will also need to consent to this testing, so it is a great idea to discuss this during your screening of any potential surrogate candidates if it is your wish to perform this procedure.

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