An In-Depth Look At Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

An In-Depth Look at Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

If you’re one of the many women suffering from PCOS, then you’re not alone.

1 in 10 women suffer from PCOS. Besides offering an array of uncomfortable symptoms, this condition can also make it difficult to become pregnant.

This article will discuss PCOS, how it relates to pregnancy, and how you can still have a child of your own through surrogacy.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is caused by an imbalance in the hormone system. Someone who has too much estrogen, for example, can end up producing too many eggs. The opposite may also hold true. You may not produce enough estrogen. These fluctuations make it difficult for the healthy development of your eggs.

The problem particularly stems from issues with the egg. It may not be developed correctly thanks to polycystic ovary syndrome. Or it may not be released as part of the normal menstrual cycle.

This is an issue because it can lead to infertility. If women are unable to drop an egg during their regular menstrual cycle, then the sperm will be unable to fertilize it because there’s nothing to fertilize. PCOS is also responsible for the development of cysts inside the ovaries.

Cysts are a nuisance because they can block sperm cells from entering the ovary and reaching the egg. They can also keep eggs from leaving.

What Causes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Currently, doctors and researchers are still unsure of the direct cause of PCOS. However, a few factors have been shown to influence the chances of developing it. One of those factors is obesity.

The body doesn’t function as well as it should be when it is obese. Obesity likely plays into another factor that influences polycystic ovary syndrome. Excess insulin has been shown to be a factor. When your body is unable to make its insulin function correctly, then your blood sugar rises. As a result, your body produces more insulin. One side-effect of insulin production is that it also produces androgen. Androgen can take over from estrogen which slows down your cycle and disrupts your hormonal balance.

Another factor is low-grade inflammation. Women who suffer from PCOS often also have a low-grade inflammation in their blood. This makes their bodies also produce androgen.

Some doctors believe that the syndrome might also be tied to heredity.

Finally, if your body produces a lot of androgens naturally, then this might also indicate that you have PCOS or could develop it.

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

#1 – Infertility

One symptom that intended parents might discover is infertility. If you have been trying with your spouse to have a baby but have been unsuccessful, then the problem could be because of the syndrome. It’s a good idea to take note of your cycles. Are they regular or have they been irregular as of late? This could be a sign that you have polycystic ovarian syndrome.

#2 – Menstrual Irregularities

Here are a few other symptoms that may indicate whether or not you have the condition. The second is menstrual irregularities. This might mean that you have no periods. It might also mean that you frequently miss your periods when you would otherwise normally have them. Another aspect of this is if you actually have very heavy periods. Or you may bleed but you don’t notice ovulation.

#3 – Gestational Diabetes

Also, because of complications associated with insulin imbalance due to PCOS, if you do become pregnant, you may also be at risk for gestational diabetes.

#4 – Overproduction of Body Hair

Another symptom is the development of body hair. If you notice that hair is starting to grow on your face, belly, chest, or upper thighs, then it could be due to the syndrome. This is because androgen is present in large amounts in your body.

#5 – Development of Acne

Do you suffer from stubborn acne? It might not be because of oily skin or a bad diet. Acne that doesn’t respond to treatment could be due to polycystic ovary syndrome.

#6 – Weight Gain

Obesity, weight gain, or even difficulty in losing weight could also be signs of PCOS. At the very least, they may be contributing to it.

#7 – Pelvic Pain

One common symptom for many women is pelvic pain. This may occur before their period starts, after, during, or even outside of their period. The pain that they experience during their periods may also be intense.

#8 – Development of Dark, Thickened Skin

One last symptom is the development of dark and thickened skin that feels almost like velvet.

PCOS & Pregnancy

While there are some drugs that can be used to help intended parents try for a healthy pregnancy on their own, they’re not always successful. For many women, the thought of miscarrying their baby is horrible. Some may not wish to experience it.

An alternative that can be extremely effective is surrogacy. Through the process of surrogacy, intended parents are able to find a surrogate who can carry their baby and offer a healthy pregnancy until their birth. The surrogate has had to pass through many medical checks in order to ensure that she, herself, is healthy enough to carry another child.

By joining with a California surrogate agency such as Made in the USA Surrogacy, parents are able to utilize all of their resources to make the best decision for themselves and their children.

Here’s How The Process of Surrogacy Works

First Steps: Find a Surrogacy Agency & Get Matched with a Surrogate

Parents first join our surrogacy agency located in Sacramento, California region and find a surrogate. The agency typically helps intended parents find that surrogate based on a few criteria. Once they have met their surrogate, they’ll go over with a lawyer the details and legal rights of the child and parents. With the legalities handled, the physical process begins.

After That, Find a Local Fertility Clinic For Testing & Treatment

A surrogacy agency can help you find a local fertility clinic to begin the physical part of the process. The parents will be given fertility treatments to help boost their fertility for egg retrieval (if possible by the intended mother). The surrogate will be given treatments to help slow down her cycle and prepare her for the embryo transfer.

Some parents may find that PCOS has completely taken away their ability to produce eggs. In this case, an egg donor may be needed. Sometimes your surrogate can be the egg donor, but usually, you’ll have to find someone who has already donated their eggs.

Once Medically Cleared, Begin the IVF Process

If your eggs are healthy enough to harvest, then the clinic will take a sample of them and a sample of sperm cells. Together, they’ll be placed in a petri dish. This process is called IVF and is one of the most effective treatments for infertility.

With an embryo created, it can then be placed inside of the surrogate. She’ll be able to have a healthy pregnancy from there.

Utilizing a surrogate agency in California can essentially still grant you the ability to be a parent to your very own child even if you are diagnosed with PCOS. It’s a safe way for your baby to be carried, developed, and eventually born.

Another reason that you might want to use a surrogacy agency instead of trying to carry the baby yourself with PCOS is because of multiple children. PCOS can increase the chances of carrying twins.

This is a problem for a few different reasons. The first is that some parents don’t budget for an unexpected second child. They may have to seriously reconsider their finances.

Another reason is that twins can also make pregnancy more difficult. Birth defects are more common in twins. This essentially means your children have a greater chance of being born with a defect that might make their post-birth development even more difficult.

Twins can also lead to increased rates of premature births. Premature births come with their own risk of birth defects.

The reason behind the chances of developing twins is because of the overproduction of ovaries. PCOS might be influencing how many eggs are created. The sperm can then accidentally fertilize more than one or the egg could split. This might also be caused by any fertility treatments that you receive in order to try and deal with your PCOS.

Fertility treatments usually try to boost your production. That means a greater chance of having twins.

Choose Our California Surrogate Agency Today

An In-Depth Look At Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - Made in the USA Surrogacy in Roseville, California

Many women suffer from PCOS. This condition could make becoming pregnant impossible. It’s actually one of the leading problems with fertility. One way to still have a baby of your own is through surrogacy because a surrogate can safely carry your baby until its birth.

Just because you suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dreams of becoming a parent. Join our California surrogate agency today to get started. Together, we can make your dreams of becoming a parent come true.