Category Archives: Surrogacy

Birth Rates in America

Birth Rates in America—Trends and Effects on Surrogacy

Birth Rates in America—Trends and Effects on Surrogacy For an aspiring couple thinking about having children, you may be curious to know about the scientific facts based around birth rates in America. How many women are having children right now and in what generation do they exist? Which is the most popular age group having […]

Food and Medicines to Avoid During Surrogacy

Food & Medicines to Avoid During Surrogacy

Food and Medicines to Avoid During Surrogacy: Increase the Chances of a Successful & Healthy Pregnancy Brave women all across this country and overseas decide to become a surrogate for a couple who can’t have children for one reason or another. There are some guidelines and requirements that all highly rated surrogacy agencies, like Made […]

Creating a Birth Plan for the Surrogacy Journey

Creating a Birth Plan For the Surrogacy Journey - Made in the USA Surrogacy

Creating a Birth Plan For the Surrogacy Journey How does creating a birth plan relate to surrogacy? Perhaps you’ve recently become a surrogate for the first time and have not thought of creating a birth plan. You’re doing something wonderful and selfless for another couple who are going to be grateful to you for the […]

Famous Celebrity Surrogacies

Famous Celebrity Surrogacies: Here are 12 Celebrities Who Recently Used a Surrogate

Famous Celebrity Surrogacies: Here are 12 Celebrities Who Recently Used a Surrogate Surrogacy is just as common in Hollywood as it is in other parts of the world. There have been countless celebrity surrogacies that were made possible through another person. Each of these celebrities has turned to use surrogacy as a means to have […]

Surrogacy Success Rates

Surrogacy Success Rates: A Detailed Look At The Success of Surrogacy

Surrogacy Success Rates: A Detailed Look At The Success of Surrogacy Many couples are unable to conceive a baby or carry one to term end up needing to find a surrogate mother instead. A surrogate carries another couple’s baby to term for varying compensation benefits. Due to this increasingly successful method of growing a family, […]

5 Questions About Becoming a Repeat Surrogate


Become a Repeat Surrogate: 5 Questions to Ask Hello Surrogate mother candidates! We are so glad you have come to our blog to take a look into surrogacy, the surrogate process, and answers to your questions about becoming a surrogate. We hope to be a resource for you in all of your questions regarding surrogacy […]

Independent Surrogacy Vs. Hiring a Surrogacy Agency


Independent Surrogacy Vs. Hiring a Surrogacy Agency: A Guide for Intended Parents Why you should think twice before going ‘independent’ for a surrogate? Hello, parents hoping to have a child someday by using surrogacy! Today we are going to discuss infertility, the want for a child and your need for a surrogate. We will answer […]

6 Ways to Finance your Surrogacy Journey for Intended Parents

financing options

For Parents: 6 Financing Options for your Surrogacy Journey Hello to the parents hoping to start a family by way of surrogacy! We are so excited you found our blog! Here we discuss topics related to the surrogacy process for parents, surrogacy process for surrogates, and many other topics. If you have any questions regarding getting […]

7 Questions to ask your surrogate

7 Questions to ask your Potential Surrogate Mother

7 Questions to Ask Your Surrogate Questions for getting to know your surrogate mother on a deeper level Hello hopeful intended parents searching for surrogate mothers! So it’s been months or even a year since you’ve been on the hunt looking for a surrogate. Maybe you even had a few surrogate mothers fall out of […]

IUI Vs IVF – When to use Surrogacy?

IUI Vs IVF What Difference

IUI Vs IVF – What’s the Difference? When to use Surrogacy? Welcome to the Made in the USA Surrogacy Blog. Today we are discussing the difference between two fertility treatments common among those seeking fertility treatment. Unfortunately, you may be in the spot where fertility treatment is warranted, but we want you to take heart. […]