How to Find a Surrogate

Finding a Surrogate Mother

For intended parents, the process of how to find a surrogate can seem like a daunting one. Before embarking on your surrogacy journey, it is important to do the necessary research to ensure that the process is as seamless as possible. The best advice we can give you knowing the trials you are going through, is to work with a surrogate agency in California. Know that the process of surrogacy is complex, and not easy to do on your own.

The good news is that for intended parents in California, the state’s laws are surrogacy-friendly, especially when compared to surrogacy laws in some other states. Working with a professional agency like Made in the USA Surrogacy drastically simplifies the entire process for you.

Here are a few things to know before becoming a parent and learning how to find a surrogate:

Choose How You Will Find Your Surrogate

Perhaps the most important part of the process for you when considering how to find a surrogate, is how you go about doing that. Most likely you have thought of two options: go online (Facebook or other), or family friend. We will share why both of these options for how to find a surrogate mother are most likely a waste of time and money. We understand the reasoning for wanting to try it this way. But in the end your time is worth more while you consider this question.

Should I use Facebook or social media for how to find a surrogate?

We are emphatically against the use of Facebook or other social media sites for finding a surrogate. There are so many reasons that this option is a bad one. The first and greatest reason not to use Facebook for how to find a surrogate, has to do with the saying/doctrine of “you get what you pay for.”

The age-old saying becomes the truth in this circumstance for a number of reasons mentioned below:

  • Facebook surrogacy pages are largely negative, not informative- This is because they are a “social platform.” You run the risk of receiving information that is highly biased by opinion. Information not based on facts since the subject can be emotionally charged.
  • Facebook users are from many states- California is the leader in the surrogacy space. If you do not choose to use a California surrogate agency for your surrogacy, you run the risk that other state’s laws will be complicated and hard to navigate.
  • Facebook is free- Therefore anyone with any background or pregnancy history can offer themselves. We have had many parents come back to us after trying a surrogate they “found” on their own. After spending thousands and many months of time, these independent surrogates don’t end up working out.
  • Finding a quality surrogate will be your issue- these qualifications are only the start of our vetting.

Here is an article we wrote with more information.

Should I try to find a surrogate using a family member?

The answer to this question is usually no. In our experience, many surrogacies by family members fail due to the fact that potential family members will not pass the medical exam. Also, you run the risk of emotional damage to the family should anything go wrong in the process.

An independent journey is only advised if your surrogate is in your personal family network and if you are well versed in Surrogacy Laws and Surrogate-Friendly states. All other forms of independent journeys with surrogates who are not vetted and screened properly can open parents up for much heartache, exhaustion, multiple failed matches, or even worse issues regarding the legality of parentage and compensation issues. These issues are already addressed and well thought out when working with a surrogacy agency such as Made in the USA Surrogacy.

Why you should use a California Surrogate Agency

Undergoing the surrogacy process with the help of professionals is highly recommended to ensure that you are properly protected. It also makes the entire process less stressful. This is merely because you are working with experts who have experience and are knowledgeable about various aspects of the surrogacy process.

Working with a surrogate agency in California is definitely the preferred method for parents who want to know how to find a surrogate. Doing an independent journey on your own could be a dangerous and ill-advised route for finding a surrogate.

Know the Financial Obligations

Surrogacy is not just a commitment of your time. The expenses associated with the surrogacy process must be taken into account before you decide to become a parent. The average surrogacy journey can range between $140,000 and $250,000. Where you end up on that surrogacy cost depends highly on the California surrogate agency you choose. No doubt this is money well spent, but it is important that you know the costs associated with the process before embarking on a surrogacy journey so that you can budget accordingly.

Understand the Type of Surrogacy

There are two main types of surrogacy – gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy. In California, Gestational Surrogacy is the most popular and most used as well as the main type of surrogacy Made in the USA Surrogacy specializes in.

  • Gestational Surrogacy: With gestational surrogacy, the surrogate carries the embryo made up of the intended mother’s egg and intended father’s sperm. This way, the intended parents are the biological parents of the baby. This method can also use donated sperm or eggs if necessary.
  • Traditional Surrogacy: This involves using the egg of the surrogate instead of the egg of the intended mother. The surrogate’s egg is fertilized using the sperm of the intended father or a donor via intrauterine insemination. This means that the surrogate is the biological mother of the baby.

Our Parent Surrogacy Process:

After you have read the above information, it’s time to get started with the agency. The process of surrogacy is unique to each parent. At Made in the USA Surrogacy, we customize the process to suit your specific needs and preferences. Generally, below are the steps you would take to become a parent via surrogacy using the professional services of our surrogacy agency.

1. Agency Consultation

When you’ve decided to become a parent via surrogacy, the first step is to fill out our parent inquiry form.

In our initial consultation session with you, we will ask you some questions and based on the information you provide, we will give you an overview of the steps you would need to take to become an intended parent using the services of our agency.

2. Agency Agreement for Services

After the initial consultation, and if you have chosen Made in the USA Surrogacy to work with you to bring your dream of becoming a parent to fruition, the next step would be to sign an Agreement for Services with us which spells out the comprehensive list of surrogacy services we provide which include referrals, case management, counseling, and surrogate screening.

3. Parent Application

Congratulations! You have chosen to work with Made in the USA Surrogacy to find a surrogate. The next part of this process addresses your personal information for our records, and also information on specifics regarding your surrogate preferences. We also ask about financial information, how you will be funding your surrogacy and other general information needed to facilitate the process.

4. Intended Parent and Surrogate Match Meeting

We collect your information into a parent profile and develop your wants and needs regarding your potential surrogate match. All of our surrogates undergo our rigorous vetting and screening process for up to months before you are officially matched. We will provide custom surrogate profiles matched according to your wants and needs. Usually, it takes between 1 to 4 months surrogate for a surrogate match. In many cases, parents may wait longer depending on their wants and needs and the availability of surrogate prospects. For intended parents who need a referral with an IVF Clinic or help with egg or sperm donation, we will provide them with excellent professionals inside of our personal network to help.

5. Establish an Escrow Account and Initial Deposit

After matching with a surrogate prospect, you will be set up with a licensed and bonded escrow service. You will be asked to provide an initial deposit amount of that includes the agency, escrow and initial deposit fee. We work with an amazing escrow company. Once an agreement is signed with your surrogate mother, you will fund your escrow account fully up to your estimated journey within 3 months. A minimum amount of $15,000 will always remain in the account for up to 12 months after the child(ren) is born for any remaining medical bills or miscellaneous charges related to your surrogate journey according to your agreement.

6. Pregnancy and Birth

Once we’ve matched you with the right surrogate and once conception has taken place, you will be in constant communication with our team of experts who will ensure that you are aware of any and all updates regarding the pregnancy. Our team will provide counseling and will serve as a support system for you throughout the pregnancy as you await the birth of the baby. This includes mediating communication between you the intended parent(s), and the surrogate. Your legal team also works to establish your parental rights and your spouses (if applicable) before the baby is born. Our job is to make sure that the entire process is as seamless and stress-free as possible.

how to find a surrogate