Become a Surrogate in Chico

Become a Surrogate in Chico, California

Surrogacy Near Chico

If you’ve decided to look for surrogacy near Chico, then you’re ready for the next steps. When you choose us as your agency, you’ll need to fill out an online intake form. Once that has been processed, you can then touch base with our agency coordinator. They’ll help you fill out the official surrogate application form and answer any questions that you have.

Surrogacy in California also requires that you send us your medical records and documentation of your healthy pregnancy. It can some time to receive these records. For those who are eager to begin their surrogate journey, it would be worth it to get started acquiring those records sooner rather than later.

We will also need a photo of yourself and your family along with your medical records. In addition, once you have applied, you’ll need to undergo a PAP smear. This can also be done before you submit the application, but it has to have transpired within the year. Finally, you’ll need your OBGYN to send us a clearance letter stating that you are well enough to be a surrogate.

Once all of these steps have been completed, we’ll help match you with intended parents who are just as eager as you to get started. You’ll meet with a surrogate attorney that we can help you find. Together, you’ll discuss plans for the pregnancy, birth, and after the birth.

After the surrogacy agreement is signed

Once the agreement has been made, you can start fertility treatments for embryo transfer. The best part about doing surrogacy near Chico, is your location is close to IVF clinics. IVF will be the procedure that’s used to fertilize an embryo inside of a petri dish. The embryo will then be placed in your body once it is deemed hospitable for it. With a little bit of luck, the embryo will be accepted by your body and start to divide.

From there, you have nine months to nurture the baby and ensure its healthy growth. You’ll likely be visiting the doctor a few times to keep a careful eye on the growth of the baby. Should a miscarriage occur, you are sometimes compensated per your agreement with the attorney and intended parents. You’ll be taken back to the fertility clinic where another embryo will be transplanted inside of your body.

Once the nine months have passed, you’ll give birth, and the baby will be given to its intended parents. You’ll be able to recover and enjoy the compensation that you received from the parents.

From there, you can rest as much as you like. When you feel that you’re ready to become a surrogate again, we can start the matching process all over again. As an experienced surrogate, you’re also eligible for a bonus..

Surrogacy in Chico Qualifications

Like any other job, you need to match some qualifications that a surrogacy agency in California will have. Our agency requires some of the following criteria to be met before becoming a surrogate with us.

The first is that you must be citizen of the United States. To ensure that you can provide for the baby while it’s developing within you, we also want you to be financially secure. You cannot be receiving financial aid from the government or any other organization.

In regards to your age, we prefer our surrogates to be within the range of 23 years old to 38 years old. To further ensure a healthy pregnancy, we ask that you maintain a BMI between 19 and 30, you can check that here.

Because drugs and smoking can negatively impact the health of the child, our surrogates must be non-smokers and refrain from using drugs.

It’s a common qualification for surrogacy in California that the prospective surrogate mother has had at least one successful pregnancy in the past. This can either be your child or a child you carried for someone else. We simply ask that you provide documentation that the pregnancy was, indeed, successful and without complications from your medical records.

Finally, we ask that you undergo a physical and mental evaluation. This is to ensure that you are both physically and mentally capable and prepared for the experience.

Compensation for Being a Surrogate in Chico, CA

For those wondering how much they’ll make after they become a surrogate, you can usually expect around $60,000 per surrogate birth. That number does change based on the surrogate agency involved. Some might offer their surrogates more and some might offer them less. Agencies can also provide additional benefits and bonuses to their surrogates.

For the $60,000, you can expect a monthly amount of around $6000. This amount is often broken down into the following categories.

  • Base compensation: $60,000
  • Twins/multiples: $5,000
  • Monthly allowance: $250
  • Experienced Surrogate bonus: $5,000
  • Maternity Clothes: $1,000
  • Housekeeping: $2,000

As you can see, with our agency, we offer experienced surrogates an extra bonus. Clearly, you can make a decent amount of money alongside giving intended parents the chance of being a parent to their very own child.


Choose Our Agency

When you’re looking to become a surrogate, you have a lot of surrogate agencies to choose from. For those in Chico, CA, we want you to be part of our surrogate family. We can help the process become even easier. Besides answering any additional questions that you might have; we can also provide you with resources for finding a surrogate attorney and acquiring surrogate health insurance. Join our surrogates today.

surrogacy near Chico