Become a Surrogate in Sacramento

Become a Surrogate in Sacramento, California

Surrogacy Near Sacramento

Surrogacy near Sacramento a thriving landscape of hope for parents who want a surrogate mother. We accept and look for surrogates in Sacramento because is the most centrally located to many California IVF Fertility clinics. In order to become a surrogate in California, you must work with one of these fertility clinics. The benefit of working with these fertility clinics is that your intended parents will also be located near them. Surrogates who search for surrogacy near Sacramento are in luck, since our Surrogacy Agency in Sacramento will most likely match them with a local couple who struggles with infertility. We find that locals who want Surrogacy near Sacramento enjoy being near and a part of the surrogacy process with their intended parents.

Becoming a Surrogate in Sacramento, California

The process of surrogacy can be difficult to wade through on your own. At our surrogate agency, Made in the USA Surrogacy, we strive to make the process just that much easier. There are numerous requirements and steps that you have to undergo before you can become a surrogate mother. This is all done with a healthy pregnancy in mind. Both the health of the unborn child and the surrogate mother have to be considered during each step of the process.

One of the first steps that you need to take before deciding to become a surrogate is whether you’re prepared for the journey. It requires a lot of time, energy, and even emotional strain for some surrogates. Prospective surrogate mothers should expect to spend at least a year to two years per surrogate birth. This involves the matching process, the fertility treatments, the actual development of the baby, and the recovery after giving birth.

You’ll need to spend a good deal of time and energy visiting fertility clinics, doctors, and OBGYNs as well to ensure that you’re healthy. If you think you’re prepared to give your all, then you may be the perfect fit for our surrogacy agency in California.

Compensation for Surrogates in Sacramento, California

While each area typically differs in terms of compensation, as well as each agency, at our surrogate agency, you can expect to make $60,000-$65,000 base compensation. That’s broken up into around $6,000 a month base pay including a few extras. The exact amount of money can sometimes be deliberated with the intended couple. However, because we want to help couples afford to receive a child of their own whilst also ensuring that the surrogate receives excellent pay.

You can expect the overall breakdown of the compensation into these categories.

  • Base compensation: $60,000
  • Twins/multiples: $5,000
  • Monthly allowance: $250
  • Experienced Surrogate bonus: $5,000
  • Maternity Clothes: $1,000
  • Housekeeping: $2,000

You may also receive additional funding for your spouse if they have to miss work in order to take care of you or take you to appointments. As you become more experienced as a surrogate mother, you may also qualify for bonuses that can earn you more income. Those are looking to become a surrogate typically already work. They may choose not to work after they’ve been chosen as a surrogate. Or they may work alongside being a surrogate.

Surrogacy near Sacramento Qualifications

In order to promote a healthy pregnancy, there are a few surrogacy qualifications that you have to meet before you can become a surrogate. One of the first steps that you should take to secure your place as a surrogate is to have all of your medical records and medical documentation proving you had a successful birth gathered together first. This process in itself can take up to three months or more sometimes. It can be even longer if those records exist in different hospitals and across state lines.

To help speed up the process, getting started with acquiring those records and documentation is essential. You’ll also need a picture of yourself and your family. Your OBGYN will also need to provide a clearance letter that gives their permission for you to become a surrogate.

Other qualifications that you will need to meet are to legal citizen of the United States. You should also be within the age range of 21-38 for pique health for pregnancy. In addition, your BMI should be between 19-30.

To promote a healthy pregnancy, you should also be a nonsmoker and have no drug addictions.

You’ll also need to show that you have financial security and are not relying on financial assistance from the government.

Finally, you’ll need a physical and mental evaluation performed to ensure that you are healthy enough to carry another couple’s child.

Steps to Take

Once you’ve met with all of the qualifications, you can begin the process of surrogacy. Sacramento is a surrogate-friendly city. That makes taking the steps towards becoming a surrogate a lot easier and makes you a lot more desirable than other candidates. A surrogacy agency in California like Made in the USA Surrogacy can help you through each step of the process towards becoming a surrogate mother.

Some of the steps that you can expect with us are to fill out an online intake form. This just further ensures that you meet with our qualifications. From there, we’ll have you fill out an official surrogate application form with an appropriate coordinator.

Once more, you’ll need your medical records and documentation of a successful birth ready at hand. This can make the process for surrogacy in California a lot faster. Finally, you’ll need to have a PAP smear performed to ensure that you are healthy enough to carry a child.

IVF and Embryo Transfer

Once you’ve officially become a surrogate with our agency, you’ll be matched with a couple. Together with a surrogate attorney, you’ll lay down the agreement and legal rights that everyone has to the baby. With the legal proceedings finished, you can begin treatments towards preparing your body for IVF and an embryo transfer.

This procedure involves the egg and sperm being fertilized in a petri dish. Once the embryo is formed, it’s inserted within your womb. A few embryos are typically made in the process in the event that the embryo within the body doesn’t take.

It may take a few tries, but eventually, your body should hopefully accept the embryo as its own and start to develop it.


From there, you’ll continue to receive check-ups, attend fertility appointments, and make decisions all with the health of the child in mind. When it comes to birth, depending on the agreement that was made with the intended parents and the attorney, you’ll either have a C-Section or natural birth.

Once the baby is handed over to its parents, you’ll be able to recover. Surrogacy in Sacramento allows you to be a surrogate mother again provided that you still meet with the desired qualifications of the agency that you’re a surrogate for. You’re also considered an experienced surrogate mother if it is your second or multiply time with surrogacy and you will be compensated a financial bonus the next time you’re matched with a couple.

What We Offer

Becoming a surrogate is an incredible experience. This experience can sometimes be made all the more difficult when done on your own. Our agency links couples in Sacramento or potential surrogate mothers in Sacramento with couples elsewhere. We help you through the paperwork and the legal work. We’ll ensure that you are protected and that your health remains the focus throughout the entire journey.

We’ll also help you make appointments at fertility clinics and the appropriate medical professionals. Surrogate births and pregnancies aren’t like pregnancies of your own child. You’ll need to visit many health professionals to ensure that the embryo is developing correctly. To help you navigate where you need to go and when, we are there.

We also give you a case manager that will help you manage your surrogate pregnancy all the way through. This ensures that you’re not overlooked like some surrogates are at other agencies. You’ll never feel as though you’re doing this on your own. If there’s ever an issue, that case manager will be ready to be reached and help you solve the problem.

Finally, we’ll help you find a surrogate attorney. Many make the mistake of hiring just any attorney and we’ll provide you with all the resources.


Become a surrogate sacramento