Intended Parent Surrogacy Process

What is the surrogacy process step-by-step?

The Surrogacy Process

The process of surrogacy can be daunting. You already have gone through so much pain on your own fertility journey. Only to find that you need a surrogate. So, what is the process of surrogacy step-by-step? If you’re wondering what is the process with a surrogate agency, here are 4 easy steps we will take you through:

  • Complete an inquiry to get started
  • We will then ask you to do a phone consultation with us about your needs and your surrogate preferences
  • Then you will complete a parent application for our records
  • Sign an agency agreement to continue services with us
  • Fund escrow with your initial deposit and agency fee

Once we have the preliminary work with potential surrogates and we have a signed agency agreement between parents and the agency, we will begin your matchmaking process.

In this stage, we will work to find an individual that meets your reasonable expectations based on your information in the application and conversations with our agency. Once we have a strong match we will provide profiles for you to review that you are able to approve or deny. If you would like to explore a match together with a potential surrogate, we then have you both meet in a “match meeting.”

Surrogacy process: Match Meeting

If both you and the potential surrogate agree to move forward as a match we will arrange a match meeting that will be led by one of our coordinators. At this meeting, we will further discuss details in the profiles and give each party an opportunity to ask questions and get to know one another. It is important that each individual is comfortable with moving forward together as this journey will span many months and create a unique relationship.

Surrogacy process: Medical and Psychological Evaluations

After both parties have agreed to move forward we will begin with the medical screenings completed by the fertility clinic for clearance. The surrogate and her partner will also complete their psychological evaluations conducted by a licensed psychologist.  99% of our surrogates pass this stage with flying colors. Once the surrogate successfully passes her medical and psychological screening we will move forward with the legal process.

Surrogacy process: Legal Contracts

During the legal process the surrogate and parent representation will be chosen and will begin drafting the surrogate agreement between each other. In this phase, negotiations will begin pertaining to the individuals needs and wants. The attorneys will be a part of the journey with the surrogates and the parents in order to ensure parentage is established and all legal expectations have been met.

Surrogacy Process: Medication Cycle and Embryo Transfer

Once the legal contracts are in place, your surrogate will begin her medication cycles in preparation to receiving your embryos! This is a very exciting time and a major milestone we have all been waiting for. She will follow strict instructions and timing based on the fertility medication schedule.

Upon embryo transfer the agency and parents may be present if the fertility clinic allows. Your surrogate may be ordered to go on bed rest in order to give your embryo an opportunity to implant. At this point we wait for a hopeful positive pregnancy test result in a few weeks!!

Surrogacy Process: Released from Fertility Care

Your fertility doctor will continue to monitor your surrogate as she progresses through the early stages of pregnancy. Once she has reached a point where they are comfortable, she will graduate from their care and begin seeing her OBGYN in her state or specific place of residence. Your surrogate will be required to follow instructions per the OBGYN’s recommendations and orders as she progresses through her pregnancy.

Delivery- No more steps, just happiness!

It’s the time we have all been waiting for! As we move closer to your surrogate’s expected due date, we will begin writing a birth plan. This includes arranging the appropriate accommodations for anyone traveling, beginning to collect any baby supplies, and finalizing the appropriate legal documents.

surrogacy process