Become an Intended Parent

Find a Surrogate Mother

As a premier Surrogacy Agency in California, serving Sacramento, Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, Bay Area, and Los Angeles, we look forward to helping you build your family!

The reasons for needing a surrogate mother are endless and filled with grief for some. That’s why our California Surrogacy Agency is the best surrogate agency in California. We take great care in finding local matches and procuring quality surrogates for intended parents if they are in Sacramento, Roseville, Bay Area, or in Los Angeles. We also connect surrogate mothers in California with international parents.

What Makes Our California Surrogacy Agency the Best?

  • Quality Surrogates
  • Best Surrogacy Cost
  • Local California Surrogates
  • Quality Communication

We Find Quality Surrogates

Our matching techniques and surrogate requirements provide us an edge when we look for a surrogate. You want a surrogate mother who is committed to the process and will perform well during medical screening, gestational carrier agreement phase, and ultimately embryo transfer.

These days many people are using Facebook to find a surrogate mother, and other social media sites. The landscape of independent surrogacy is dangerous. Going without a competent agency to find a surrogate mother could cost you a lot of money and time. With this method, you never know what kind of a surrogate you’re going to end up with. To be successful with surrogacy, you need to find a quality surrogate who will go the distance.

In order to do this, you need a Surrogacy Agency in California that knows the ropes with what women will be the best to suit your family. At Made in the USA Surrogacy, we have designed an easy process for getting started with your family. Our time to a match are some of the best in the industry- while our competitors are boasting 12 month waits, we can usually match intended parents within half of that time.

Our California Surrogacy Agency knows all that it takes to find a surrogate mother that you are hoping for. We know the surrogacy process is long and there are many roads to take, but starting with our agency will give you the confidence to see the journey through. Among other things, communication with your surrogacy agency being one of them, finding a surrogate mother who goes the distance with you is crucial.

Best Surrogacy Cost

What surrogate agency is the best cost? There are a ton of options in the world of surrogacy. Unfortunately, finding a surrogate is costly on top of the cost of IVF.

When you are searching for the best surrogate cost, you want to know that the agency you choose is providing you with quality surrogates and the cost of surrogacy is not exorbitant to get to the finish line.

Average agency fees for a California Surrogate Agency range from $50,000-$150,000 sometimes more. That’s just the agency fee.

Even considering inflation in 2023, our agency fee is nowhere near that cost. Our total surrogacy cost is a range of $140,000-$150,000.

This surrogacy cost does not include IVF costs.

California Surrogacy Agency

We provide local California Surrogates

It’s important to work with a California Surrogacy Agency, because we find local California surrogates. We do this because we know the market.

We know many California IVF clinics that you work with and we know the IVF doctors and their support staff.

Why is that important? We understand what they want in a surrogate.

Our marketing efforts are specific to California, so we try as hard as we possibly can to market for California surrogates. This doesn’t mean that we do not have surrogate mothers from other states. But most intended parents looking specifically for a surrogate in California will want to work with an agency that can provide them a surrogate from that region for one simple reason: you want a local surrogate. 

Meet with your surrogate for lunch, or go with your surrogate on their appointment. For these reasons and many others, you need a California Surrogate Agency that specializes in finding surrogates who live in California.

When you think about the best surrogate agency you need to find a surrogate to complete your family. If you looking for a California Surrogacy Agency, you’re probably looking for an agency that can provide the best surrogate mothers in California, but to do so, you need an agency that is marketing for surrogates who live in California. Marketing for surrogate mothers is hard, but even more difficult is finding local California surrogates who are qualified.

If you’re looking for the best surrogate agency who finds local surrogates, you’ve come to the right place.

Quality Communication

With the cost of surrogacy exceeding $150,000 in some instances, you will need an agency committed to answering your concerns and questions. That’s why Made in the USA Surrogacy specifically gets back to each and every inquiry within a 24 hour period. We know you will have questions and concerns. You want an agency that is able to answer all of those questions and deliver results.

At Made in the USA Surrogacy, we answer those questions and we deliver those results. That is why we are one of the best surrogate agencies in California and we are committed to transparency to help you feel secure in your choice.

california surrogacy agency