7 Travel Tips For Flying with an Infant: Your Parenting Guide

7 Travel Tips When Flying with an Infant

Traveling with an infant? Planes, germs, TSA prechecks, security lines, oh my! Here are 7 travel tips when your flying with an infant. Bon, voyage!

Hello intended parents!

We are excited to assist you in your journey to parenthood, but we also hope that you find our blog to be a resource to you as you navigate your surrogacy journey. We know that you will be coming from all around the world for you to complete your family via surrogacy.

Today we are going to discuss travel tips when flying with your newborn baby.

#1 – Preparation is key

Often times as a parent you will likely find yourself wanting to “bring the whole house” when traveling with young children.

Children come with their own set of needs, especially when traveling. Be sure to pack a diaper bag that is stocked full as you never know if you will encounter delayed or canceled flights, or maybe your child spills their drink on their lap and fresh clothes are needed.

Here are a few items you want to be sure to have when traveling with your new baby:

  • Diaper Bag: for travel on the airplane itself. Make sure this is stocked full, as you never know if you will encounter delays or canceled flights. These days- delayed flights and missed flights are common for so many reasons. Or- maybe your child spills their drink on their lap and fresh clothes are needed. You never know when your diaper goodie bag will be ready to save the day.
  • Plenty of diapers and wipes: Inevitably, your infant child newly born by surrogacy will have a quintessential “Blow out” at 35,000 feet with the seatbelt sign “ON.” Messes happen and you don’t want to run out of these essentials. Be sure to call your airlines ahead of time to be sure their planes are equipped with a diaper changing station on board.
  • Formula or Breastmilk: If you are not breastfeeding your new baby you will need to be prepared with enough bottles, formula and bottled water in order to feed them. You will be allowed to purchase your own bottled water prior to arriving at the airport and take it with you through security as long as they know it’s for the baby.
  • Change of clothes: Like we already mentioned, messes happen. Babies spit up or fill their diapers past its threshold and you will inevitably need to change their clothes. It’s also wise to carry a fresh set for yourself in case you find yourself wearing part of their mess.
  • Pacifier– If they are old enough to accept this form of self-soothing – you will want it for take-off and landing and pressure building in their ears.
  • Blanket– This always creates a comfy cozy environment for your child that will encourage them to sleep.
  • Toy or mouth accessory– Because even though they are small, they will want to be entertained during the long flight home as well.

#2 – Security and TSA Precheck

Taking young babies and children through security may be one of the more stressful parts of your traveling experience since security requires you to take off your jacket, belt and shoes, and unload all your liquids, laptops, and breakdown your stroller all while holding your young child.

Here we encourage you to dress the part. Try to wear comfortable clothes and avoid the extra accessories so that you avoid spending a lot of your time undressing. Wear your baby in a baby carrier to avoid the need to breakdown a stroller and remain hands-free.

If you wish to avoid the security mayhem then apply for TSA Precheck. This will save you a significant amount of time and energy as you navigate your belongings and new baby. It only cost $85 and is good for 5 years.

#3 – Early bird gets the worm

Arriving early is always beneficial in regards to travel, and especially when traveling with young ones.

You never know when you will hit long security checkpoints or need to spend a few minutes tending to your child. Plan to arrive with enough time to be at your gate prior to the start of boarding.

Most airlines will allow families to board the plane ahead of the rest of the passengers if you are traveling with small children under the age of 2.

If you choose to use a stroller while traveling in the airport then you will be able to check your stroller at the gate and pick it up at your next stop- so don’t worry about traveling through the airport with your stroller or bringing it along. You will simply need to see the gate attendant for tags. Plan to arrive early enough to wait in line to speak with them.

#4 – Bassinet or sky cot

We’ve all heard the saying “sleep when the baby sleeps”, but traveling just may be one of those times when rest is none existent.

Fortunately, some flights have options for a bassinet which will give you the much-needed break from holding your baby and allow your baby to rest more comfortably.

Airlines have a limited number of bassinets available or they only offer them on international flights but be sure to call your airlines ahead of time to plan for a bassinet.

#5 – Travel Documentation

When booking your flight, you will need to purchase a seat for your newborn which will require a regular price ticket and an approved FAA car seat, or they can be an infant in lap.

Either way, your baby will need to have a ticket to board the plane with you. Some airlines require documentation for your baby such as their birth certificate so come prepared to show proper documentation for your baby.

Additionally, you will need to check in at the ticketing counter If you have an infant in lap. You are also able to apply to have a passport for your child born through surrogacy before you travel with them- it may take time, but could be worth it since an American passport is good for up to 10 years of travel.

Some airlines have an age travel restriction. Be sure to call your airlines ahead of time to find out if they have an age limit or required documentation for your newborn to travel. For instance, Delta airlines require a newborn under 7 days old to be accompanied by an approval letter from a physician.

#6 – Germs Germs Germs

One of the major concerns when traveling is the exposure to germs.

Since your newborn will be still building their immune system plan to bring antibacterial wipes and wipe down your seat and tray table to help prevent spreading of germs to your new baby. Traveling with hand wipes will help you keep your hands clean before handling your baby.

#7 – Take-Off and Landing

Some babies struggle with the pressure changes during take-off and landing and may cry due to the discomfort in their ears.

Encouraging swallowing by offering your baby a pacifier or a bottle may ease their ear discomfort during pressure changes.

7 Travel Tips When Flying with an Infant

If you are a parent who is looking for a surrogate, or you have been wanting to find a surrogate for a while, consider Made in the USA Surrogacy as your source to find your surrogate. We would be delighted to work with any international couple looking for an American or California surrogate, or any couple who has embryos already made in Southern California through a fertility clinic in Los Angeles or fertility clinic in San Diego.

We work with many fertility clinics in California and abroad and have surrogates all over the United States in Surrogacy Friendly states.

Please do not hesitate to fill out our parent inquiry form and inquire about finding the right surrogate for you today!

If you are a good potential surrogate mother and you meet our qualifications, please fill out our surrogate intake form to see if you qualify to become a surrogate with our agency!