Become a surrogate in Texas

If you’ve been itching to find a new way that makes money and actually changes the world, then you may want to consider surrogacy in Texas. Any broad search of “surrogacy near me” or looking for a “surrogate agency near me” will give you tons of information and resources. However, they don’t always touch on the kind of mindset and expectations you should have for yourself when you become a surrogate Texas.

To help you find out if you have what it takes to be a surrogate in Texas, there a few questions to ask yourself.

Are You Truly Ready to be a Surrogate in Texas?

When considering whether or not surrogacy in Texas is right for you, you need to consider everything involved with surrogacy. For example, are you prepared for IVF fertility treatments? You may have to visit an IVF clinic several times in order to be prepared for the embryo transfer.

Another aspect to consider is if you are healthy enough to be a surrogate. Searching for a “surrogate agency near me” will inform you that there are several qualifications that you need to fill before you can become a surrogate. Our surrogate agency has tons of qualifications as well.

Some of these qualifications are aspects like having the right BMI, being financially secure, having had a successful prior pregnancy, and other details. You may discover that you need to lose or gain a little weight before you can apply.

You may also discover that it’s been a while since you’ve had a PAP smear. Since we require one before you join, it may be worth it to have the test taken. You may find out that you actually have been carrying an STI or some other kind of condition for some time without even realizing it.

If you pass the qualifications, then there are still a few other questions you need to ask yourself before you start preparing for IVF and pregnancy.


Are You Able to Wait Several Years Before Expanding Your Family?

Any search for a surrogate agency in Texas will tell you that the process of surrogacy is a long one. Everything from visits to the IVF clinic to the actual pregnancy takes a while.

For one, it can take some time to be matched with intended parents. While there are a ton of intended parents looking to meet a surrogate just like you, it takes some time to be matched with them.

This is because our agency, Made in the USA Surrogacy, takes great care in our matchmaking. We want our intended parents and surrogates to get along. In order to do that, we have to ask several questions of both parties to ensure everything lines up. You may have certain feelings about abortion and your intended parents may have other feelings. Obviously, that could become a serious issue should the need ever arise.

Surrogates may need to wait for one to four months to be assigned to intended parents. The embryo transfer is another situation in which you may need to wait for some time. If the transfers aren’t happening successfully, then the process has to be repeated again and again. This could take a few months since your body has to be regulated and controlled again through fertility medications.

It’s also important that you’re prepared to carry the baby. It takes nine months for a baby to develop. Add that on top of everything else, and you can expect to be part of the process for over a year, at least.

While being a surrogate doesn’t mean you can’t have children of your own after the journey is done, it does mean that it’s doing to be delayed. Surrogacy can take the better part of 2 years.


How Does Your Family Feel About Surrogacy?

Approaching your immediate and extended family about being a surrogate isn’t always easy. Some may not understand why you want to carry someone else’s baby. Others may wonder how much does a surrogate make in Texas? Being a surrogate can help boost your finances as well as serve a great cause. It’s the best job that allows you to set money aside while giving intended parents their chance at parenthood. This is a dream that they wouldn’t be able to achieve without you

Talking to your family about what it means to you will help them accept the change in their life. In particular, your spouse needs to be on board. Having an intimate and open conversation with them about what surrogacy means to you may help them give you the support that you need.


Are You Mentally Healthy Enough to be a Surrogate?

Perhaps when you were pregnant, you experienced severe depression or other mental health issues. You may not want to revisit those dark periods as a surrogate, too. Being a surrogate often involves some level of stress and anxiety. You may be worried about the health of the baby a little more since it isn’t yours.

Or you may feel pressure about this or that in terms of surrogacy. You may also have a sense of dysphoria since the baby doesn’t belong to you. It’s absolutely critical that you have the right mindset in order to become a surrogate through our agency.

One of the steps we have is to ask our prospective surrogates to undergo psychological screening. This will help determine whether you have the mental fortitude you need to be a successful surrogate or not.


Is Your Support System Ready?

Surrogate compensation in Texas will only take you so far. While your travel expenses and other expenses will be paid, you still need a support system ready to take care of you. This system should be able to take you to appointments, offer a comforting shoulder, and take care of you through other means.

Before you become a surrogate, you should figure out who your support system is going to be. Then be sure that they know what their responsibilities towards you are.


Who Do You Want to Work With?

Even more important than surrogate compensation in Texas is knowing who you want to work with. You’ll be working with these people for several months. It’s imperative that you’re able to get along with them. When filling out your application form, you should make mention of certain things that you find acceptable and not acceptable.

For example, are you open to abortion if there’s no other method to save your life? Do you want to be contacted frequently by the intended parents or have minimal contact? These questions can help shape the kind of relationship that you have with the intended parents.


Be Prepared for the Time Commitment

From the very moment that you decide to sign with our agency to giving birth to a surrogate baby, the process can take time. You need to be sure that you’re ready for it. For those who work full-time, you need to make sure that you know what the regulations are in terms of taking time off work. Does your situation qualify for paid time off? Do you even want to tell them about being a surrogate?

If you and your family are ready to stick through it for the long-haul, then you may have what it takes to join us. Apply here today.