How To Prevent a Miscarriage During Your Surrogate's Pregnancy With Your New Baby

How To Prevent a Miscarriage During Your Surrogate’s Pregnancy With Your New Baby

Intended parents who are struggling with infertility are anxious about a pregnancy going as smoothly as possible. When you become a surrogate, it’s vital that you make lifestyle choices and changes to encourage a healthy pregnancy. What can you do to ensure you don’t have a miscarriage? These tips can help prevent a miscarriage and offer as healthy a pregnancy as possible.

The Power of Nutrition

One factor that can greatly influence a healthy pregnancy is nutrition. Pregnant women are given prenatal vitamins and postnatal vitamins for a reason. For women who have become a surrogate and want to do their utmost in providing a healthy environment for the baby to grow should consider these tips.

#1 – Avoid Listeriosis-Causing Foods

There are certain foods that you should avoid eating while you’re pregnant. These types of food can bring with it bacteria that could make the baby ill. Your immune system may have no choice but to reject the baby in order to preserve its own health.

Listeriosis is a bacteria-borne disease that can be obtained by eating certain foods. Some of the food that you might want to avoid eating are refrigerated meat spreads, deli meats, refrigerated or smoked salmon, unpasteurized milk and cheeses, imported soft cheeses.

All of these foods can carry the bacteria that causes the disease. It can be easy to undercook meat or eat delicious cheese without thinking twice about the consequences. However, one bad meal could develop an infection that spreads to the baby.

This infection is most dangerous in the third trimester. At that point, the baby is more likely to be stillborn than miscarried. All the same, it’s a good idea to avoid these kinds of foods to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Some symptoms of an infection include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, body aches, chills, and malaise.

#2 – Avoid Salmonella-Causing Foods

Another infection to avoid is Salmonella. You’ve likely heard about how unpleasant Salmonella poisoning can be. It’s even more dangerous for pregnant women. The symptoms of Salmonella are fever, chills, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain.

You typically receive salmonella from undercooked meats and eggs. The best way to keep from Salmonella poisoning is to thoroughly cook your food. It might be a good idea to keep to home-cooked meals during pregnancy as well. Unless you can watch the meat being cooked, you can never be sure if it was thoroughly cooked or not. That isn’t a chance you should take with the intended parents relying on you.

#3 – Avoid Toxoplasma-Causing Foods

When people think of Toxoplasma, they typically think of cat litter. It’s possible to receive the illness after handling cat litter and cat feces. However, you can also get it from food. Toxoplasma can be developed by eating undercooked or raw meat.

If you have a cat and handle the cat litter, it’s also a good idea to thoroughly wash your hands before touching food or any part of your body.

Symptoms of Toxoplasma are mild fever, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, muscle pain, and headaches.

#4 – Avoid E. Coli-Causing Foods

One last thing to be aware of when handling food is to watch out for those that can contain E. Coli. This is another infection that can have disastrous effects on the baby. When you become a surrogate, you’ll want to thoroughly rinse your fruits and vegetables. They can carry E. coli on them if they weren’t washed well beforehand.

You’ll also want to avoid undercooked food or food that is unsanitary. If you’re traveling to another country for a vacation, it’s also important that you drink purified water. Don’t trust the tap water. It could be contaminated.

Some of the symptoms of E. coli infections are cramping fever, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Food to Eat

Besides avoiding certain foods above or taking the necessary precautions when eating those foods, there are also certain foods that you should be eating when you’re pregnant. Because you’re helping those struggling with infertility, you want to provide plenty of nutrition for the baby growing inside of you. You’ll be told that you need far more vitamins and minerals than your body typically needs. That’s because you’re eating for two.

Here are a few foods that you should eat to help prevent a miscarriage and keep your pregnancy going strong.

#1 – Dairy Products

While you should stay away from unpasteurized milk and cheese, you should still include some dairy into your diet. This is because your body is going to need extra calcium and protein. Yogurt, especially, is great for pregnancy. Dairy products also come with a good dose of probiotics. These can help encourage healthy bacteria in your gut to stay strong and keep your body healthy.

Dairy products also contain B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium. All of these are good for both yourself and the baby to have.

#2 – Legumes

One important part of joining a surrogate agency is passing the surrogate qualifications. The surrogate qualifications will help determine whether or not you’re healthy enough to become a surrogate. After passing those qualifications, you’ll still need to be in excellent health.

One way to help encourage your health and the health of the baby you’re carrying through surrogacy is legumes. These include peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans, peanuts, and soybeans.

They come with a ton of fiber, protein, folate, and iron. All of these are essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. They’re also needed more during pregnancy.

Folate, in particular, is important for pregnant women. It helps boost the health of the fetus. In particular, it plays an important role in the first trimester. If you have the MTHFR gene, you may require a Methylated Folate to make sure that you are getting the correct amount of folate to be effective. Surrogacy can sometimes be delicate. You’ll want to make sure you take in a lot of folates to encourage the healthy growth of the fetus and the correct form of Folate.

#3 – Sweet Potatoes

The process of surrogacy at a California surrogate agency can be long, so you had better be ready to eat right for some time. Luckily, one of the foods that you should regularly consume is sweet potatoes. The nutrients in sweet potatoes convert into vitamin A.

This vitamin plays an important role in the growth and division of cells. After you join a surrogate agency, you’ll want to start adding sweet potatoes to your regular diet as soon as possible. Providing the fetus with plenty of vitamin A can help it grow and stay safe.

#4 – Salmon

If you just got started with the process of surrogacy, you may lament not being able to eat fish. That isn’t the case. Pregnant women should actually eat salmon. This is because they’re rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s play an important role in the development of the eyes and brain in the fetus. A surrogate with a surrogacy agency should ensure she eats plenty to keep the baby strong.

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How To Prevent a Miscarriage During Your Surrogate's Pregnancy With Your New Baby

Clearly, there are plenty of foods to eat and to avoid. When you join a surrogacy agency, it’s a good idea to understand the kind of diet that the intended parents want you to keep to. This could help keep the baby safe and prevent miscarriages. Join our California surrogate agency today to get started with the process and change someone’s life.