Become a Surrogate in Austin

Become a Surrogate in Austin

How To Become a Surrogate in Austin, Texas

Archaeological evidence suggests that there have been people living in the Austin area since before the Ice Age. Yet Austin was, by and large, unsettled until the 1700s. A few indigenous tribes were in the area, but they were quickly pushed out by Spanish forces. When Spain eventually lost Mexico, Texas became its own independent country. It even had its own president.

Originally, Houston was the state’s capital. However, upon seeing the vast waterways and hills of what was then called Waterloo, it was decided that Waterloo would become the new capital of Texas. Waterloo would be given the new name of Austin after Stephen F. Austin, “The Father of Texas.”

After becoming the capital, Austin quickly started to develop. Universities and other businesses started to pop up around it. There would be several raids performed by indigenous people over the years, but the Texas Rangers would hold them off.

Once a rail line was connected to Austin, the city truly began to blossom. It was able to easily export cotton and cattle across the wider state of Texas and beyond.

Today, Austin is one of the most thriving cities in America. It is often considered as one of the cities of the future. Many tech companies have placed their headquarters there and further innovated the area. Austin has an estimated population of 964,254.

If you live in Austin TX, then it’s possible for you to become a surrogate. Here’s everything you need to know about becoming a surrogate in Austin TX.

Surrogacy in Texas

There are two different kinds of surrogacy–traditional and gestational. Traditional involves the use of the surrogate’s own eggs to conceive a baby. The baby will share half of her DNA. The other kind, gestational, is what’s typically used by surrogate agencies in Texas.

Gestational surrogacy involves the use of IVF and an embryo transfer. During IVF, intended parents take fertility medications from fertility clinics to boost their fertility. By boosting their fertility, they can increase the number of egg and sperm cells that they produce. A fertility clinic will harvest those cells and place them in a petri dish.

The hope is to create a few embryos from the cells so that they can be frozen for use later if the initial embryo doesn’t divide.

A surrogate will be taking fertility medications as well. Hers are designed to help boost her fertility in terms of her body accepting the embryo. There’s a chance that her body may reject the embryo as a foreign invader if it doesn’t believe that the embryo came from its own cells. An embryo transfer takes the embryo from the petri dish and places it inside of the surrogate where it will hopefully start to divide and grow.

Gestational can lead to a healthy pregnancy and also comes with fewer legal snags. It’s why many prefer to use this method and why few surrogate agencies use other methods.

If you think you’re ready to become a surrogate in Austin TX, then you need to be aware of the time and energy commitments that you’ll need to face as a surrogate.

Time and Energy Commitments

Most surrogate journeys take anywhere from a year to two years to complete. Delays can push the process of surrogacy to the two-year mark. There are a few delays that can occur throughout the journey.

One of those delays is matching. A surrogate agency is in charge of matching you with intended parents that fit you the best. Depending on who’s in the database and how much demand there is, this process can take anywhere from one to three months.

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons for a long delay is when you’re at the fertility clinic for treatment. Because taking fertility medications isn’t an exact science, you may find that the dose you received wasn’t effective enough. Unfortunately, the only real way to tell if the transfer is going to be successful is if the embryo is accepted or not by your body.

In the event that it isn’t, you’ll have to start your medications over again. This can tack on a few weeks to your journey since you have to wait until the medications are given enough time to have an effect.

The problem may also come from the intended parents. The embryos that they’re producing may not be healthy enough for a transfer. As a result, they may have to go back on the medications, too, in order to form more embryos. If it’s determined that one or both of their cells isn’t healthy enough, then a donor may need to be used. Finding an egg donor, and then getting their cells to the clinic, can take even more time.

In regards to energy, a healthy pregnancy lasts for nine months and can come with its own strains and exhaustion. You need to be ready to deal with all of the normal discomforts that pregnancy offers.

In addition, you also have to be prepared for traveling. While intended parents usually cover the expenses of traveling, you’ll still need to have the energy to make those trips. Sometimes you may have to travel for several days.

If you think you have the patience and energy to give intended parents their chance at parenthood, then here’s what you can earn.

Surrogate Compensation in Austin, TX

Each surrogate agency offers different surrogate compensation rates. Our surrogacy agency in Texas, Made in the USA Surrogacy, offers to pay around $60,000 to $65,000 based on a few variables. That amount is broken up into monthly installments of $6,250. Here are a few of the expenses that you can expect intended parents to pay you for:

  • Base compensation: $60,000
  • Twins/multiples: $5,000
  • Monthly allowance: $250
  • Experienced Surrogate bonus: $5,000
  • Maternity Clothes: $1,000
  • Housekeeping: $2,000

Our agency’s surrogate benefit package paid for by the intended parents pays up to 10 days’ worth of work pay for your spouse. In the event that they need to miss work, they can still receive some of their missed income. This allows them to help you with your appointments and care for you.

Surrogacy Qualifications

Before you become a surrogate in Austin TX, you need to pass surrogacy qualifications. These qualifications help bar out women who may not be healthy enough to become a surrogate. Since the goal is to have a healthy pregnancy for the intended parents, it’s crucial that only those healthy enough to be surrogate mothers are allowed to join. Here are some of the qualifications that our surrogacy agency in Texas has:

  • You must have had a previous pregnancy without problems and birth without complications. We’ll require medical records that prove this.
  • You must live in the United States as a citizen
  • You must be between the ages of 21 and 38. This is when you’re at your healthiest and most fertile.
  • Your BMI must be between 19 and 30. Being overweight can cause problems in pregnancy.
  • You must be financially secure without receiving aid or housing from the government.
  • You must be able to pass a physical and mental screening.
  • You must be a non-smoker.
  • You must be a non-alcoholic.
  • You must not take drugs.

If you pass all of those qualifications, then you’re ready to get started with the process of surrogacy.

Steps to Become a Surrogate in Austin, TX

To join our agency, you must first fill out our online intake form. This form shows us that you can pass the initial qualifications that we have for our surrogates.

Once that form is cleared, you’ll be given the official surrogate application form. You’ll need to complete this form and submit it to us. You’ll also be given an agency coordinator who can help you keep track of your appointments, visits, and deadlines.

With your application, you must also submit photos of yourself and your family. You’ll also need to call your hospital to put medical records together that detail your past pregnancy. These records can sometimes take several months to acquire, so you’ll want to get started quickly.

You’ll also need to receive a clearance letter from your OBGYN.

Finally, you’ll need to have a PAP smear performed within a year of applying with us.

Join Us Today

If you’re ready to get started with surrogacy in Texas today, then give us a call. We’ll help you get started with your journey.