Become a Surrogate in St. Petersburg

Become a Surrogate in St. Petersburg

How To Become a Surrogate in St. Petersburg, Florida

Often called St. Pete by its residents, St. Petersburg FL was vastly explored by the Spanish. Yet it wasn’t until 1875 that the city truly got its start. It was established first by John C. Williams who had come from Detroit, Michigan. He and Peter Demens worked together to connect the city to other areas of Florida that were beginning to develop.

A coin toss was held between the two men to determine who would name the city. Demens won and named the city St. Petersburg after spending half his youth in the Russian city of the same name. Williams instead chose to name his first hotel Detroit. That hotel still exists today though it is currently a condo.

A great deal of dredging had to occur before the city’s port was ready to be fully realized. Once it was finished, St. Petersburg became a place for trade and industry. Today, it is primarily a place where retirees like to enjoy their lives. Although, over the last few years, more youthful individuals have decided to make St. Petersburg their home. They are likely drawn into the arts that the city boasts.

If you live in the Sunshine City, then you may be wondering how you can increase your annual income while still doing your part in the world. Because Florida is a surrogate-friendly state, it’s possible to become involved with gestational surrogacy when you join a surrogate agency. Here’s everything you need to know about how to become a surrogate in St. Petersburg FL.

What is Gestational Surrogacy?

Florida actually recognizes two different types of surrogacy. The first is traditional. This form involves the surrogate using her own eggs to fertilize an embryo and have a healthy pregnancy. The DNA of the baby is half of the surrogate and half of the intended parent.

Most surrogate agencies don’t allow this kind, however. Legally and emotionally, traditional surrogacy can be messy. It can also be difficult for surrogates to hand the baby over after carrying it for so long. Instead, most use gestational surrogacy. This type utilizes IVF and an embryo transfer.

During IVF, the intended parents take samples of their egg and sperm cells. A fertility clinic places those cells in a petri dish where they combine and form an embryo. The surrogate is brought in when it’s time for the embryo transfer. The fertility clinic places the embryo within the surrogate, who then carries a healthy pregnancy until the baby’s birth.

Before you decide to become a surrogate in St. Petersburg FL, it’s important to know about the commitments that you are expected to make.

Time and Energy Commitments

Most women who become surrogates expect the process of surrogacy to take little more than a year. However, it can mostly be longer than that. Most surrogacies last anywhere from a year to two years. This is because the process isn’t an exact science. There are many areas in which a delay can cause the process to last even longer. You need to be ready to handle the time and energy commitments expected of you.

One of the delays that you might experience is when a surrogacy agency in Florida matches you with intended parents. Sometimes, your criteria may not match with the bulk of intended parents. As a result, you may have to wait a little bit longer before you’re finally matched with intended parents. Typically, you can expect a match to occur within a month to four months.

Another delay that might occur is during the IVF process. Fertility medications are taken both by the intended parents and the surrogate. For the intended parents, they must boost their fertility as much as possible in order to give cells that can make a viable embryo. If an embryo fails, then they have to repeat the medications. Because those medications can take a few weeks to have an effect, this can cause a delay to continue over several months.

The surrogate can also face similar problems. She’ll be taking medications to help her body accept the embryo when it’s transferred. If her body rejects it, then she’ll also need to go back to square one with her medications. Each failure can add a few extra months to the process of surrogacy.

Clearly, patience is needed if you desire to become a surrogate. You’re going to need a good amount of energy to see it through.

You may also be required to travel for appointments to the clinic or doctor’s office. While travel expenses are typically paid for by the intended parents, you should be prepared to travel up to a week at some points.

Surrogate Compensation

Once you join our surrogacy agency in Florida, you’re able to start earning surrogate compensation. Each agency has its own base rate and benefits. Most compensation rates range from $40,000 to $50,000. Here is a breakdown of some of the compensation rates that you can expect from our surrogacy agency in Florida.

  • Base compensation: $40,000
  • Twins/multiples: $5,000
  • Monthly allowance: $250
  • Experienced Surrogate bonus: $5,000
  • Maternity Clothes: $1,000
  • Housekeeping: $2,000

Intended parents will pay up to 10 days’ worth of income for your spouse in the event of missed work. It’s also possible to earn extra for additional services. You can visit our website for a full explanation of our compensation.

Surrogacy Qualifications

Before you can become a surrogate with our surrogate agency, you need to pass a few surrogacy qualifications. These qualifications help ensure that you are able to carry a healthy pregnancy for intended parents. They’re already placing a lot of trust in you to carry their baby safely. These qualifications further ensure that you’re the right woman for the job.

Some of our qualifications are as follows:

  • You must be a permanent resident of the United States, a legal immigrant, or a US citizen.
  • You must be financially secure without receiving financial aid or housing aid.
  • Your BMI should be between 19 and 30. This can help reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and other problems brought on by obesity.
  • You must be between the ages of 21 and 38. This is when you’re the healthiest and most fertile.
  • You must be a non-smoker.
  • You must be a non-alcoholic.
  • You must not take drugs.
  • Previously, you must have had a successful pregnancy and birth without complications.
  • Finally, you must be able to pass psychological and physical screening.

Steps to Become a Surrogate

In order to get started with surrogacy in Florida, you’ll want to begin by filling out our online intake form. This helps us see if you pass our qualifications. When it is cleared, you’ll be given the official surrogate application form. You’ll also be given an agency coordinator who can help you keep track of deadlines, appointments, and will be there to give you support.

During the application process, you’ll need to give us some paperwork. We’ll need photos of yourself and your family. One of the hardest steps is acquiring the medical records of your past pregnancy and birth. These records are required to prove that you were able to have a successful pregnancy.

Unfortunately, it can take hospitals several months to put those records together and send them out. If you’re thinking of becoming a surrogate in St. Petersburg FL, then it might be a good idea to contact your hospital in advance.

You’ll also need to speak with your OBGYN. We’ll require a clearance letter from them.

Finally, you’ll need to undergo a PAP smear within a year of applying with us.

Why You Should Join an Agency

If you’re itching at the bit to give surrogacy in Florida a try, then it’s important to join an agency rather than attempt freelance work. An agency offers protection. They will help you find a surrogate attorney and surrogate health insurance.

An attorney is important when discussing the birth plan with the intended parents. It ensures that you are protected throughout the process. Health insurance is vital in preventing huge costs should something occur.

An agency also makes finding intended parents easy. We do all of the legwork for you. Instead of trusting them to have your best interests in mind, you can rely on us to have your back.

Contact Us Today

Join our agency today if you’re curious about becoming a surrogate. Together, we can help parents have a baby of their own.