Become a Surrogate in Alhambra

Surrogacy in Alhambra, California

Surrogates and Surrogacy in Alhambra, California

If you’ve never considered surrogacy before, then you might not understand the commitments and expectations involved with it. One of the biggest commitments that you’ll have to make is your time. A surrogate match with intended parents can take anywhere from a year to two years.

There’s a lot that goes into becoming a surrogate, especially when you first start out. You have to join a surrogacy agency preferably in California. This process can take a few months all on its own. A delay that can arise is through the submission of medical records to the agency. Hospitals can drag their feet when it comes to locating and sending medical records. It’s why our surrogate agency often advises prospective surrogates to have their medical records ready to go as soon as possible.

Fertility treatments can also take a while. When you become a surrogate, you have to undergo fertility treatments just like the intended parents. The intended parents will be receiving treatments for IVF. In-vitro fertilization, or IVF, is the process that’s used to make an embryo. That embryo will then be placed inside of your body through a process called an embryo transfer. In order for the embryo transfer to be successful, your body has to think that it’s pregnant. The fertility treatments will help with that.

After those treatments are over and you’re pregnant, then you have nine months of a healthy pregnancy to look forward to. That’s time that cannot be altered. No matter how long it takes the other parts of surrogacy to complete, you always have nine months of pregnancy to expect.

Once you give birth, you may want to take a few months off to recover before you jump into the next surrogate job. Clearly, the process of surrogacy can take some time. You have to be prepared to give it that time. You can’t change your mind once the transfer is complete and you’re pregnant.

Another commitment that you have to make is your energy. You’re going to need a bit more energy for this pregnancy than you did with your own. This is simply because since the baby wasn’t made through traditional means, it can be quite delicate in its infancy. You’re going to need to check with the fertility specialists and the fertility doctor on a regular basis to ensure that the baby is growing as it should be.

You’ll also need to visit the intended parents or let them visit you. They want to be part of a healthy pregnancy as well. It wouldn’t be right to deny them the chance to see their child grow and develop.

One final commitment that you have to make is to place the health of the baby against your own needs. That might mean altering your lifestyle for a time. You carried your own baby before, and you know that this might mean missing out on a few parties or choosing to stay at home instead of exhaust yourself doing something outside.

The health of the baby is a priority. Because the intended parents are struggling with fertility, they may only have a few shots at making a viable embryo. The last thing you want to do is push yourself past your limits and have the baby suffer for it. You have one crucial job as a surrogate. You must protect and nurture the baby as much as possible while it develops within you.

Luckily, you receive quite a lot in return for your efforts.

City of Alhambra, CA

In 2018, the city had an estimated population of around 84,649 people. The average median household income is $54,148. This is good news if you’re searching for surrogacy in Alhambra, since we like surrogates from this area.

For those who are looking to double their median household income, you might want to consider becoming a surrogate in Alhambra, California.

Compensation for Surrogates in Alhambra

When you become a surrogate with a surrogacy agency in California, you’re able to earn extra income. Surrogates typically make around $70,000 after benefits. That can easily double your household income.

Monthly installments typically reside around $6000. A general breakdown of this compensation is below:

  • Base compensation: $60,000
  • Twins/multiples: $5,000
  • Monthly allowance: $250
  • Experienced Surrogate bonus: $5,000
  • Maternity Clothes: $1,000
  • Housekeeping: $2,000

You can check out more details about how compensation works on our website. At Made in the USA Surrogacy, we also offer payment for your spouse. They can earn up to 10 days’ worth of work pay. This allows them to take a few days off from work in order to take care of you.

It’s also possible to earn more money when you become a surrogate who is experienced. Surrogacy in Alhambra requires a person who has successfully carried a surrogate baby before. They earn an extra $5,000 on each of their surrogate jobs going forward.

When you become a surrogate, you’re also able to enjoy doing something that is emotionally satisfying. Few traditional jobs allow you to see the changes that you’re making in the world. Yet, as a surrogate, you can see the changes that you’re making for the intended parents every day. You’re giving them a child. This is a dream they’ve likely had for years.

Surrogacy Qualifications

To join a surrogacy agency in California, and you searched for surrogacy in Alhambra- you have to meet our surrogacy qualifications first. These qualifications are to help ensure that the surrogates who join their agency can provide a healthy pregnancy for the intended parents. We want to limit the chances of anything unfortunate happening to either the baby or the surrogate as much as possible. That’s why it’s important to be authentic with yourself when deciding whether or not you meet with the following qualifications.

Surrogacy in California requires that you are a U.S. Citizen.

You must also have had a successful prior pregnancy and birth. This means that you were able to give birth to a baby without any complications.

You must be able to show that you are financially stable.

To ensure that you are physically and mentally fit for the job, you must pass a physical and mental evaluation.

Our surrogates must be between the ages of 23 and 38. Their BMI should be between 19 and 30.

To become a surrogate with our agency, you must be a non-smoker and no do not abuse either alcohol or drugs.

The Process of Surrogacy

If you believe that you pass those qualifications, then you can take our online intake form. This will help determine whether or not you’re the right fit for the agency. Once that has been approved, you’ll be given the official surrogate application form. At this point, we also offer an agency coordinator who can help you through the application.

You’ll also need to submit photos of yourself and your family as well as a clearance letter from your OBGYN.

We’ll also need the medical records of your hospital visits while you were pregnant before. Due to the delay that can occur with this process, you will want to contact your hospital to have them send the records over to us quickly.

Finally, you’ll need to have a PAP smear performed within a year of applying with us.

surrogacy in alhambra