Bay Area Surrogacy

Surrogacy for Intended Parents in San Francisco, California

If you’re looking for a surrogacy agency in San Francisco, look no further!

We specialize in finding surrogate mothers who are ready and committed to do the process with you. Finding a quality surrogate mother is hard to do, but that’s why you have searched for a surrogacy agency near San Francisco.

Our surrogate mothers are fully screened and most likely near the San Francisco area, so you can have the local surrogate you’ve been looking for.

Surrogacy near San Francisco has many committed IVF clinics ready to meet the need of your infertility. Our partners are also in close proximity to help your surrogacy process go smoothly.

In California, assisted reproduction laws are particularly favorable to surrogacy, making it one of the most surrogacy-friendly states in the United States.

At Made in the USA Surrogacy, we are passionate about helping our clients in the San Francisco Bay Area realize their dreams of becoming parents. We are also committed to making the surrogacy process stress-free and seamless for women in San Francisco who are interested in becoming surrogates.

Personalized Matching and Comprehensive Support for Intended Parents and Surrogates

  • Match Intended Parents with a Compatible Local Surrogates

Our matching process involves a thorough pre-screening of potential gestational surrogates. Since our inception, we have focused on high quality surrogates from the Sacramento area. Our surrogate mothers commute to San Francisco IVF clinics such as Zouves Fertility.

Women who apply to be surrogates via our agency undergo drug tests as well as criminal and financial background checks.

Additionally, we review their past medical history to determine whether or not they have successfully carried a pregnancy to full-term and also interview each candidate to assess their readiness to undergo the surrogacy process.

  • Case Management of the Entire Process

Surrogacy is a complex process with many moving parts. At Made in the USA Surrogacy, our goal is to simplify the process for both intended parents and surrogates. We coordinate services between fertility clinics and surrogates; provide referrals to top-rate legal representation, if needed; and oversee the entire process from beginning to end.

  • Provide Ongoing Counseling, Guidance, Education, and Support

The surrogacy process is not without its emotional ups and downs, however, and our role is to help intended parents and surrogates navigate the challenges that may arise during the process. Our team provides counseling and support to intended parents and surrogates throughout the duration of the surrogacy. We also educate you on various aspects of the surrogacy process including IVF and embryo transfer education and address any concerns you may have.

Surrogates in San Francisco- Compensation

When searching for a surrogacy agency near San Francisco, it’s important to keep in mind that we are the leader in the best surrogate cost in the area.

Our average surrogacy cost is $140,000-$150,000. This includes base compensation, agency fee and multiple other costs.

For surrogates in San Francisco, you can expect to pay a base compensation starting at $60,000. The base compensation amount varies, depending on a range of factors including whether you hire a first-time or experienced surrogate. Also, the rate can vary if you are carrying single or multiple pregnancies. In addition to this base amount, surrogates also receive compensation for other expenses. Below are examples of other compensation you can expect to pay for a surrogate in San Francisco:

  • Maternity Clothing Allowance: $1,000
  • Health Insurance: $15,000-$30,000- This is for medical coverage.
  • Monthly allowance: $250- This stipend is used to cover travel expenses, medications, pregnancy test kits, prenatal vitamins and other surrogacy-related expenses that may pop up during the surrogacy process.
  • Embryo Transfer Fee: $1,000- The surrogate is paid an embryo transfer fee after the medical procedure is done.
  • Lost wages: Varies between $4,000-7,500
  • Invasive procedures: $1,500- This includes Cerclage; D&C (Dilation and Curettage); Amniocentesis (a prenatal test for diagnosing fetal infections, chromosomal abnormalities, and sex determination); Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS).

Additionally, keep in mind that surrogate compensation varies depending on individual circumstances and depending on which surrogate agency in San Francisco that you hire.

Medical Surrogacy Process

  • Medical and Psychological Screenings

After signing with Made in the USA Surrogacy and matching with intended parents, surrogates will undergo a medical screening which involves a physical exam.  Blood work and laboratory testing  is done to screen for infectious diseases (the surrogate’s partner is screened as well). All this is done as well as an ultrasound. A psychological evaluation will also be performed to ensure that the surrogate is mentally and emotionally fit to handle the emotional demands of pregnancy and surrogacy. Again, once she is approved as a viable candidate for surrogacy, the surrogate proceeds to the next stage in the process.

  • Regulating of Surrogate’s Cycle

At a fertility clinic, the surrogate is given birth control pills and other hormones (including oral estrogen; vaginal progesterone; injectable progesterone; and Lupron) which help regulate her cycle and prepare her uterus for the embryo transfer.

  • IVF and Embryo Transfer

Gestational surrogacy involves using implanting the embryo of intended parents in a surrogate. This embryo is produced by fertilizing the egg of the intended mother with the sperm of the intended father through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Then, the embryo is transferred using a catheter which is inserted into the surrogate’s uterus via the cervix. This procedure is done under anesthesia and is pain-free. After the procedure, the surrogate will need some days off to rest.

  • Confirmation of Pregnancy

About a week after the embryo transfer is performed, the surrogate will return to the fertility clinic to determine if the embryo implantation was successful and that she is pregnant. Pregnancy is determined by measuring the HCG level of the surrogate.

  • Delivery

Delivery day is truly a momentous and exciting time for both surrogates and intended parents!



Surrogacy Agency San Francisco