Become a Surrogate in California

Become a Surrogate in California

If you’re researching how to become a surrogate in California, that’s because you feel for the more than 1 in 8 couples who struggle with getting pregnant. For most people who are able to give birth, you like being pregnant. You like the feeling of coming home to your joyful kids! That’s why you want to know how to be a surrogate, so you can share the joy you feel!

Our agency has been looking for potential surrogates just like you who want to know how to become a surrogate in California. If you’re a current mother looking into this opportunity, there’s so much to know about the process of surrogacy and being matched with the right family really matters. Not only is California the hub of surrogacy, but surrogates in California receive the most surrogate benefits and compensation.

The most successful way to become a surrogate in California, is to work with a surrogate agency in California.

California Surrogacy Agency

When you want to become a surrogate in California, you may not know why It’s important to work with a California surrogacy agency. Most of our intended parents, (parents who need a surrogate) are looking for local candidates such as yourself. Being a local California mother, you may be closer to IVF clinics than you know. You can easily make it to appointments, and the best part is, as a surrogate you will be close to the parents who you are matched with. Local surrogate agencies are able to match with local families, providing you opportunities to get to know the family you are caring for much better. We hear back from surrogates all the time that they’re super happy to meet for lunch or have a parent come to a doctor’s appointment.

How to be a Surrogate

There are many questions that can help you determine if you’re ready to be a surrogate.

  • Are you healthy?
  • Do you know your BMI? Take a look at this website and calculate it.
  • Have you had a pregnancy and are you a current mother? Take a look at what happened during that pregnancy, did you have any issues that you know about.
  • Ask yourself also, are you done having children of your own? The process of surrogacy could take several years to be successful.
  • What is your motivation to become a surrogate? If it’s only money, this may not be the journey for you, since it can take time to be successful.
  • When is the last time you’ve been to your OBGYN for a pap smear? Was it clean?
  • Have you been tested for STD’s recently?

These questions and more help us determine whether you can be a surrogate mom or whether you have some more research to do.

California Surrogacy Requirements

There are legal and surrogacy requirements that you must meet to become a surrogate in California. Some of these requirements may vary from one surrogacy agency to the next, or from clinic to clinic, but generally, below are some requirements for be a surrogate in California:

  • You must be United States Citizen
  • You must be financially secure and not receiving financial aid from the government through programs like welfare, public housing, and cash assistance.
  • You should be within the ages of 21 and 39
  • You should have a healthy BMI, roughly between 19 and 30
  • You must be a non-smoker and not use illicit drugs or abuse alcohol
  • You must have given birth successfully at least once with no pregnancy complications, with corresponding medical documents to prove this.
  • You must undergo a physical screening as well as a mental evaluation to ensure that you are physically, mentally and emotionally fit to be a surrogate.

California is a surrogacy-friendly state. For that reason, you will find that there are many surrogacy agencies around that offer surrogacy services, including matching surrogates with intended parents. Our surrogate agency manages the surrogacy process for you, minimizing the stress associated with the surrogacy journey. If you qualify with these surrogacy requirements listed above, don’t hesitate to find out how to be a surrogate with our agency- fill out our form!

Match Meeting

After you fulfill the surrogacy requirements and go through a 1-1 phone call with our agency representative, you will be matched with a family. This is probably the most exciting part of becoming a surrogate. You get to know a new family, someone or a couple who has been waiting to meet you. Perhaps the best part of being a surrogate is meeting your family for the first time. This family most likely has tried to get pregnant on their own. They most likely have gone through 3-8 IVF transfers of their own unsuccessfully. They may have gone through multiple miscarriages. Enjoy the moment of meeting them for the first time, they’re excited to meet you.

Medical and Psychological Screening

It goes without saying, but the most important part about being a surrogate is that you are healthy. You must be able to travel to your Intended Parents fertility clinic and go through their medical tests. You must be without STDs and psychologically sound. We also encourage all potential surrogates not to have the IUD at this phase, as well as be free of any prescription medications.

Surrogacy Agreement

It is critical, after matching with intended parents, to make sure that an agreement is in place between you and the intended parents. Each party will have attorney representation to be sure that both parties are protected at the expense of the intended parents. The agreement should state, among other things, who gets legal parental rights to the child; a breakdown of compensation for medical and other pregnancy-related compensation and a clause clearly outlining what actions should be taken if a pregnancy complication or other unexpected development occurs during the surrogacy process.

Fertilization and Embryo Transfer

Once the surrogacy contract has been signed by both parties and both parties are clear of what is expected of them during the surrogacy journey, and once all health screenings – physical and psychological – have been performed, fertilization and embryo transfer can begin. During in vitro fertilization (IVF), eggs from the intended mother are fertilized by sperm from the intended father. Then the embryo is placed in the uterus of the gestational surrogate. All medical and travel expenses associated with the procedure is covered by the intended parents. Keep in mind that it may take a couple of cycles of embryo transfers before a successful pregnancy occurs.

Giving Birth

The final (and probably most exciting) stage is giving birth. The surrogacy agreement should state the preferred birth plan the intended parents and you – the surrogate – have agreed on. For a surrogate mother, it is one of the most fulfilling experiences to be able to help give the gift of a baby to a couple.


become a surrogate in calfornia