How to Become a Surrogate?
If you’re looking for how to become a surrogate, you’ve come to the right place. Starting with a surrogacy agency is your first step to becoming a surrogate. We have many steps to the entire surrogacy process, but none of them are too difficult. When you first contact our agency about how to be a surrogate, you’re most likely excited about the prospect of making some money. Maybe you ask yourself, how much does a surrogate make? We’ve written articles on these subjects in depth, please consult them. For now, this page will describe each step in the surrogacy process to properly inform you of how to be a surrogate mother.
1. Fill out an Intake Form
This intake form takes the guesswork out of who you are, what state you reside in, and what your motivations are for wanting to be a surrogate. It helps us keep track of your contact information. Part of this intake will ask for your BMI. You can calculate that here.
2. Complete an Agency Application
This part in the process of how to be a surrogate includes a phone interview. The interview will be about an hour and go in-depth with questions about your motivations to become a surrogate and your pregnancy history. Try to schedule this appointment for when you are able to have a stress free conversation.
3. Obtain your OB and Delivery Medical Records
For those who do not know, OB records are your medical records that are specific to a woman’s pregnancy journey. It includes everything from medical screenings, prenatal visits, postpartum care, and much more.
Perhaps the biggest determination in whether you can be a surrogate will be the IVF doctor’s review of your medical records. You will need to request your medical records from your provider and send them to us for review. We will have a third party review your records for both OB records and the hospital records. You’ll need to request them for each and every birth that you have had and for each medical provider. We will also ask you to send 5 pictures to the agency for us to add to your surrogate profile. During this time you may have to take additional medical and psychological screenings at the IVF clinic.
4. Obtain an “OB Clearance” letter
Part of the determination of becoming a surrogate is whether your OB doctor thinks you are a good candidate for surrogacy. We ask all potential surrogates to obtain this letter from their physician after the surrogate application, as their determination will be recent.
5. Obtain a current Pap Smear
On your surrogacy process we ask that you obtain a current pap smear within the last year. Most potential surrogates are out of date with this metric, but that’s not to worry, call your doctor to schedule. Send the records once you have them, which is usually within 10 days of the appointment.
6. Background Check
We have all potential surrogates and anyone 18 years of age or older who lives in their home complete a background check. This is mandatory as we cannot allow surrogates with felonies to continue forward in the surrogacy process.
7. Pass a Drug Test
It goes without saying that to be pregnant you should be drug free. The surrogacy process is no different, but at the agency level, we go the extra step before we have you meet with potential families. We will have you perform a 5 panel with nicotine at the nearest drug testing facility near you.
8. Provide a copy of the health insurance and coverage booklet
Part of our surrogacy process with potential surrogates is to review your medical coverage for surrogacy compatibility. Some policies will cover surrogacy fully, which we call “surrogate-friendly”, though this is not usually the case. In the case your medical coverage does not cover surrogacy, we will find you a policy after you are matched with a family.
9. Home Visit
During this part of the surrogacy process we meet with you in your home. If we are unable to meet with you and see your living situation, we will ask you to attend this part of the process by Face-Time or Zoom.
10. Exclusive agency agreement
The last part of our process asks surrogates to sign an exclusive agreement and legal contract. It goes over what we both agree to in the surrogacy process, and we ask that you remain exclusive to our agency as we search for a family for you! If you made it to this step, you’ll be matched with a family pretty soon so be ready!
Congratulations! You Are Now a Surrogate!
Becoming a surrogate is one of the most significant and altruistic acts a person can undertake. Traditional or gestational surrogacy is an opportunity to profoundly change the lives of individuals and couples who may otherwise be unable to experience the joy of parenthood. For many intended parents, surrogacy is their last hope after facing years of infertility, medical challenges, or other obstacles. By stepping into the role of a traditional or gestational surrogate, you are not only helping to create a family but also offering a sense of hope, healing, and fulfillment to those who have long dreamed of holding a child of their own.
The impact of surrogacy extends far beyond just delivering a baby. It creates enduring connections and leaves a legacy of love and generosity. The intended mother and intended father are provided the chance to nurture and shape the life of a child, building memories and bonds that will last a lifetime. Surrogates play an irreplaceable part in this profound process, proving that compassion and determination can overcome even the most challenging circumstances.